Thursday, February 20, 2025

Honest Gain


Many years ago I used to be quite the swindler. As a young man, I stole from many places. I would lie and deceive more often than I would like to confess. The worst thing of all was that I was good at it. Very good. I would do anything and everything to throw circumstances in my favor, for my own gain and most people were always entirely unaware.

Fast forward so many years now to a life of freedom from that sin and bondage. A seared conscience could no longer tolerate such behavior now. It seems that I’m regularly given small tests though. Incorrect change at the store. Overlooked items when checking out, that were missed. Today, of course, I casually take the necessary time to go back and make things right. I don’t have the desire to get unfair gain anymore. I simply don’t want to deceive and profit unfairly.

I face the same ongoing challenges with running my own business. I deliberately choose to always be sure that I’m honoring Yahweh well, whether others will ever know it or not.

So, when I read Proverbs chapter 20 this morning, I was reminded of how I’ve been changed. I forget sometimes. How about you? Let us take the time to remember Father’s wonderful works in our lives. Let us take the time to rejoice in the ongoing work that is our sanctification into the likeness of His Son.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

"Me and Jesus" or Part of a Family?

A small excerpt from an ongoing study (future video series) primarily examining the events of Exodus chapters 2 and 3. "...... this is yet another discussion that demands that we properly understand our identity and the importance of covenant. If we cling to the biblical texts, we clearly see that Yahweh heard the cry of His set apart People and responded *because of who they were*, more than because of what they did. The Scriptures are overflowing with covenant language and principles. We must understand who we are, in Messiah, in a familial sense, leaving behind the selfish "me and Jesus" individuality-based mindset. We have been invited into a covenant family!"

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Do We REALLY Want to Walk Like the Messiah?


Here is another section of text that we could spend the entire day on. Please read it slowly and allow questions to fill your heart and mind.

What are the commandments of the Son?

Are His commandments different than His Father’s?

What does it mean to “have the truth in us?”

What do we possess if we do not “have the truth in us”, yet claim to have “come to know Him?”

How do we “keep His Word?" What is “the Word?”

How do you know that you are “in Him?” Is it by the biblical definition that we see here, or according to something else?

If we read that we must “walk like Messiah” in order to “abide in Him”, we must ask – How did He walk? What did He do? What did He do or not do in order to be deemed pleasing and perfect in the eyes of His Father?

Did He keep biblical food laws? Did He keep Sabbath? Did He abstain from sexual immorality? Did He keep Passover? Did He do all of these things so that you "don't have to" or in order to set forth the Father-pleasing pattern? What does the Word say, not man-made doctrines?

If one TRULY wants to live like the Son, he must walk like Him, according to how we’ve been instructed and stop making excuses. There is a way to be like the Son of the Most High! Let us be found willing to walk it!

Monday, February 10, 2025

Why Did Noah Take SEVEN Clean Animals onto the Ark?

Some questions to consider, in regards to this text:
Were you taught this on childhood lithographs and Sunday School felt boards?
Where is the Torah, in Genesis chapter 7?
Where are the Israelites, in Genesis chapter 7?
When did the Creator establish “clean and unclean” animals?
Why did Noah need more clean animals?
If he needed them for sacrifices, why? There was no temple/tabernacle, right?
If this has anything at all to do with animal sacrifices, where is the Levitical priesthood order?
If this is about clean and unclean animals for food, why did this understanding so greatly precede the giving of the Torah?
Do we see any biblical references all the way into the Book of Revelation addressing animals that are still deemed unclean, in a future age?
(I thought it would be good to do propose a bit of a light and topical study to invite anyone willing to instigate some thought that moves outside of the dispensational box of theology. To be clear, I’m not expecting everyone to post answers here.)