Where in the world do I start? I’ve got a couple of new studies completed and three more in process, but I’m trying to sort out how to present them all. Let me put it this way, they’re much longer than normal blog format, so I’m open to suggestions.
This morning I visited cnn.com like I usually do. I scour the headlines and point and click here and there. Of course it’s usually all the same: natural disasters, political banter, celebrity nonsense and so on. Every day they post a poll question that any reader can easily cast a “yes” or “no” vote for. In the past it could cover everything from “Do you think that the GOP plead their case at their convention?” to “Have you ever been drunk while working on the job?”. Today however quickly caught my attention. The question was, “Do you think you have what it takes to survive a catastrophe?” Wow. Now I know this is likely referring to the recent hurricane outbreaks and the buzz about this crazy billion dollar “big bang” machine that is supposed to begin tomorrow, but I, as one that believes we truly are in the last days, saw it as much more.
You see, over the last ten days or so, I’ve had extremely vivid dreams about events surrounding what we’ll deem as “the beginning of the end”. Chaos is full effect and everything that man has placed his hope and trust in falls within moments. I am fully convinced that the vast majority, Believer and non-Believer alike have virtually no biblical understanding of what is to come in regards to the imminent future. I’m not all gloom and doom and neck deep in eschatological studies, but any serious look into what the Word states as a coming reality will reveal that what is to come is not what most seem to blindly go along expecting. As a matter of fact, when only using the Word to define one’s stance, I’ve personally found it virtually impossible to even entertain the idea that I’ll be “raptured out”. It is simply not God’s pattern whatsoever. (This, I well know, is a subject that can only be properly addressed in great detail at a later time.)
The simple approach is this, I will only be ready for what I prepare for. If I prepare for calamity and tribulations, I will be ready should they come. If I prepare to be whisked away, and tribulations come, I'm in a boat load of trouble. The Word declares over and over and over to be an overcomer through Christ, to be a victor, to be unshakeable! Oddly though, it seems most would rather just cross their fingers and hope for the best because “surely God would never allow His people to be tried and tested”. What error. Back to the matter at hand, the question was, “Do you think you have what it takes to survive a catastrophe?” I find it interesting that, as of 7:00 AM, 69% of voters said “Yes”, they are ready. This is out of 52,000+ voters! I sure wonder what it is that they think will assist them in such catastrophic events. Do we not see our vulnerability as mere men? Take Hurricane Gustav for example. One small storm blows into town (relatively speaking, in a size of the world sense) and millions have to evacuate and flee. Two jets attack one city and all that men know as normalcy comes to a screeching halt across an entire nation. Major oil production could stop in a far off land and within 24 hours, the US would be spun into turmoil as rocketing oil prices affect every way of life as we know it, crippled by a substance we have based our entire earthly lives on.
Do you see what I’m saying? We’re no more capable of living life on our own and “surviving catastrophe” any more than an ant is strong against the weight of my foot. Faith, hope and a foundation on Christ alone will establish your ability to stand should an hour come when all falls. Your money, your church functions, your cars, your reputation, your job- none of these will matter for only eternal Kingdom “possessions” will remain.
So, in closing I ask you this, “Where does your hope lie? Where do you place your solace and security? Should catastrophe come, do you really think that all of the false idols that you place in your life will save you?" Christ, the God of all gods, the Holy Spirit alone will be what enables you to be an overcomer. I will not be one who closes his eyes and hopes to be raptured out in fear and trembling! I will not be a survivor! I will be an overcomer, an Ambassador of Christ upon this earth in these final days.
So are you ready? How do you know?
"The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble, and He knows those who take refuge in Him." Nahum 1:7
With today being 9/11, this a clear warning Joel. We so easily forget how stricken this entire nation was by the events of ONE DAY! We are truly subject to a greater power, God, the creator.
I enjoy coming to your blog and reading it every now and then. You are on my blogroll and i seen your title to your latest post so i thought i would swing by today and take a look.
I find it quite interesting that you are writing about where our hope lies. In my post that I wrote just Yesterday i titled it, "Hope always shines through." of course that is the hope that we place in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
So thank you for the great word you gave that our hope lies in the Lord and in Him alone. Thank you for sharing, and may God bless you Tamela.
Anonymous and Tamela: I truly feel for the majority whose hope and strength lies within themselves. It will surely not be enough.
We must build our houses upon the Rock that will not be shaken.
Every generation has said that the end is near. Personally i do think the end is near. and i don't know about the rapture thing, iknow that God prosmised me that he will not let my life be harder than i can handle. So i am confident in my faith, (which is believing God is who he says he is and will do what he says he will) that whatever happens i will be alright.
Good Blog man!!
Hoov: Yes, every generation has said that the end is near. The fact is, there will be one that actually is the last. I MUST live today as if I am part of this generation, awake, alert and aware of what the Spirit is saying in this hour.
You made a good point to rest in the fact that the Father will take care of His own, no matter how it unfolds. This is why we MUST be found being His, according to what the Word deems as such.
People still take religion seriously and it's a shame...
One day, the world will wake up and Religion will be taught as the great mistake of the past. It will be taught as the mistake that burned great minds and even civilizations and stalled true knowledge and reason in the name of pride and greed, things this 'religion' is supposed to teach against.
Some people believe that the end of religion will be the end of civilization and the end of morality. It will be nothing more than the end of the immaculate illusion...
I hope one day you are broken of this facade and see reality for what it really is...
A beautiful thing not to be marred by the ignorance of religion...
Anonymous: Thanks for sharing your opinion, despite our disagreeing. I believe the only veil that will be removed is the one that man has convinced himself that he is need of nothing. Each and every person has been given the measure of faith to believe, few ever use it.
Thanks for joining in the conversation.
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