Saturday, December 06, 2014

Proper Citizenship

Just to set the record straight in regards to me and my household after all of the years of negative junk that I always see my fellow white-Christian-American peers post on here:
1) I'm not worried about illegal immigration causing me to be broke or unemployed. This land is not "mine" to pridefully declare who is and who is not "entitled" to be here. I'm striving to live with a citizenship established in heaven. Is this earth my home? Yes. (I was created out of and for the earth.) However, this world and its patterns that are alive and well, desiring for me to get sucked into them (yes, even in America) are not.
2) I'm not enamored with Obama's bad presidency (because they're ALL awful). Posting images on Facebook like middle schoolers of how atrocious he is .... still? After FIVE YEARS in office now? Give it a rest. Bad president. We get it.
3) Our refrigerator is full and so are our cabinets and pantry. We NEVER, EVER go hungry (despite the pictures people post of the poor white-collar white working man's empty 'fridge as opposed to the welfare check receiver with a full one.) Perhaps if the Church took care of the poor and destitute today as We in early-centuries did (instead of building multi-million dollar "ministries"), we would not be in this predicament.
4) I'm not obsessed with "Christianizing" this nation because it's a kingdom of men, for men, destined to fall. (Always has been, always will be). The state of immorality, greed and laziness is a product of previous generations. It did not "just happen". We are ALL responsible. For me, "Christian" and "American" are not, and cannot, be synonymous.
5) The rules and government of this world don't guide me, sway me or dictate my life. My primary responsibility is to strive to be conformed into the image of Christ - period. The goings on here do affect me, yes. However, my vision, my gaze, my obsession is to seek eternal things that are not of this world.
So there you have it. The next time you see all of the Christian mainstream saying "poor us", Obama-trash-talking, gay and lesbian hating, illegal immigrant bashing, etc. please count me out. Thank you.

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