Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Confronting Christmas: The Spiritual Man Perspective

This was originally posted as a Podcast, in four parts. It can be heard here:

I want to be clear that many of my viewpoints have changed since I used to maintain this blog, so please keep that in mind if you choose to peruse any old articles.

(Foreword: For any who have known me for years, please don’t presumptuously write this off as a rant. I’m simply desiring to extend the Hezekiah call for the people of God to return to the statutes and ordinances of Yahweh. He has a prescribed way and until we’ve done away with our own, we will never find and follow His.)

Friends, can I just say something? Something hard. Something offensive. Something that nearly every single person that I have ever met in my forty-six years of life has been unwilling to dialogue about, free from personal opinion and preference. Can we please sit down, take a deep breath and ask some hard questions, free from aggression and defensiveness, as truly mature followers of Jesus? Please, please lay down your prejudices and personal beliefs for a few moments, won’t you? Free from feelings and emotions about what you personally like or prefer? I do not hold flawless truth as mine. I possess no ideal that is perfect that you need to know. I am presenting something. I am setting something out on a table for any one that would be willing to sit down and look at it, in a heart of truly wanting what is pleasing to Yahweh God to prevail. The fact that so very few are even willing to talk about it, free from instant offense, makes it strikingly clear that we need to.

In this season, in this time of year, I can literally feel the draw of the world. I would like to say that I’m far enough removed that it just doesn’t do much for me, but it is still there, and I do still recognize its pull. The urge to shop for gifts. The music. The colors. The lights. The emotion of “the season”. It is absolutely everywhere that you turn.

So let me please get right to it and pose you a question. Can you have Christmas without Christ? How about a blunt answer? Yes. Yes, you sure can.

As I was recently crossing the parking lot in a large shopping area, I sensed it strongly and turned to my wife and said, “I can feel it. Do you feel it? What do you think that is?” “The ‘spirit’ of Christmas”, she said calmly. “Yes” I said, “Exactly. The spirit of Christmas.” Oh how it comes in ever so softly and tenderly – earlier and earlier with each passing year. Churches present cantatas, greenery appears hanging here and there. The bells are ringing at the storefronts and our eyes are bombarded with every possible desire that the natural man craves. Lights go up and sales fill the shopping malls. Friends and families travel. The “spirit of Christmas” fills the air. The “season” is in full swing and if you live here in America, you can literally feel it.

And most cunning of all, it comes wrapped up ever so beautifully. Packaged in a gold box named “Jesus’ birth” (for those who want to align these festivities with such an event). He is “The reason for the season”. “Keep Christ in Christmas”. “Jesus is the best ‘gift’ of all.” We all know how it goes. Majority Christianity loves her celebrations. She gets all dressed up in makeup, decorated and ready to “rejoice”. But can we please take a small step back and ask ourselves what we’re doing and why does it generally look exactly like the Christmas celebrations of the carnally-driven world that celebrates along side Her?

Now of course the majority of modern culture has nothing to do with the “Jesus part” of Christmas yet the celebration continues on (sans Jesus) just as it always has - and that should concern us greatly. If (and I mean if in the greatest sense) this season is “all about Jesus”, then how can the celebration continue on without missing a beat without Him being the fundamental component within it? Can I repeat that? If, if, this season is all about the birth of the Messiah, then how does all of this nation, who does not believe in Him continue to carry on the celebratory tradition? And perhaps most importantly, shouldn’t we have been scripturally commanded to celebrate it?

Shouldn’t the world, that does not believe in Jesus, avoid the celebration at all costs? If it really is about Immanuel, how can Christmas continue on in the hearts and minds of atheists and pagans? “Well, they’re not really celebrating Christmas” I’ve heard Christians say (as if Christians own the patent on the real Christmas – absurd.) This type of thinking is juvenile, shallow and simply unspiritual, at best.

Let me pose this thought. What about 1 Corinthians 11 when we’re told to proclaim the death of Messiah and remember it in the elements of Communion? If that was our remembrance, can the world who does not believe, join into such an event? Can an unbelieving pagan world celebrate the Feast Of Unleavened Bread? Can the world commemorate the Passover? Of course not! Why? Because it is a festival of the people of God – set apart with clear distinction by God Himself! He instated it and set it in place, for His people to commemorate. So, we must ask, how then can the lost, unbelieving world celebrate Christmas?

Let’s make this crystal clear. Most everyone I have presented this to falls back to the “well, I love doing it. It’s a season that is ‘warm’ and creates fantastic memories for all of us together.” And, in some cases, “it’s a great way to teach about the birth of Jesus”. OK, so minus the “Jesus” part at the end, could we not shoot holes in that type of thinking? “Well”, I could say. “I like to do this. I enjoy doing that.” and everything is justified according to our will and ways. Most Christians would oppose this thinking in every other approach to living. We condemn others who just live out doing things that they personally enjoy and justify it however they choose. But when it comes to us, we , as Christians, are somehow exempt. Why? Well, because we add Jesus to it and *poof*, it’s acceptable. This is in no way an acceptable practice throughout the entire timeline of the Bible, for God’s people. The origin and the source must be in God’s heart, per His instruction, and not an addition to a practice of man.

This is just a small gathering of many concerns that I don’t have any intention to elaborate into here because honestly, it all boils down to the simple fact that most people are just entirely intolerant to even the idea that Christmas is in fact pagan in origin. We would rather just cuddle up with our memories and nostalgia and move on. Can we just admit that this is true?

To be clear that my views don’t originate in some horrible childhood, I’d like to briefly explain that I had a fantastic childhood, in regards to Christmas and holiday celebrations. Hands down, they remain some of my greatest memories. The tree, the gifts, the lights, the meals with my family. I love all of it – seriously. In myself, in my own preference, I would do it all! I would buy gifts, decorate, go to all of the festivities. All of it! Do you hear what I’m saying? I’m no Scrooge. I would love for my son to experience all of the “fun”. But…. But! The conviction of my heart before the Lord, as one striving to keep what He has ordained and abstain from the enticing patterns of the world, will not allow it.

I can just no longer give myself to it, solely based upon my biblical beliefs and convictions. There is no way I could embrace the natural attraction of the season and lay down my spiritual convictions. I’m fully aware that most just throw this out immediately with a response that states, “Well, we all believe differently.” Yes, and amen. That’s the problem. We all pick and choose our convictions based upon personal preference. If nothing else, please at least recognize that what I’m saying is right opposes my personal preference. I choose to believe that a living sacrifice lifestyle (in this case, abandoning the ways and traditions of men) is a worthwhile exchange! And I have seen it firsthand! As me and my household continue to cut ties to this world – painful ties I might add – we’re seeing more and more the intimacy with the Father that awaits us in doing so!  It is the true “no longer I that lives” lifestyle friends. It must permeate every single facet of what we give ourselves to, if it is genuine and fueled by the Spirit of God within us and our insatiable desire to be found pleasing to the Lord.

Do a quick internet search for an “advent calendar” won’t you? Now the “Advent Season”, as far as I understand it, is interesting. “Adventus” was translated out of the word “parousia” that was often correlated to the looking toward the Second Coming. It signified an anticipatory waiting of the arrival of the Messiah (and also equally remembered His first entrance into the Earth, as a Child). The thing is though, that quick peek into modern-day “advent” calendars (clearly marked as such) would return findings in themes such as Lego, Harry Potter, dog treats, coffee, toys… you get the idea. So, if nothing else, please let me ask the question yet again, “if God/Christ can be removed from an event with such ease and the tradition continues on unfazed, could we not say that the tradition may not originate/be sourced in Yahweh God’s instruction of how His people celebrate Him? No matter what your personal opinion is on this specifically, even the “right” advent calendar is pretty much a brand new idea that started in the late 19th century, at the earliest, from what I’ve discovered to be reliable.

I’m reminded of the account in Scripture in Acts chapter 5 where the captain of the temple guard and the chief priests were, once again, persecuting Peter. The high priest called out to Peter and told him, in summary, “Didn’t we tell you to stop saying all of these offensive things that oppose our customs and traditions?!”  Peter’s response was, in part, ““We must obey God rather than men”. Interestingly, when the leaders heard this, their response was, “They were enraged and wanted to put the apostles to death”. Why? Their hearts were infuriated at the proposal that contradicted all that they themselves wanted to perpetuate. Their entire identity and livelihood was dependent upon their will and way, their preference, their traditions. “Hey! Back off! We like the things just the way they are, thank you very much! Heretic!” would be my paraphrased version. We my friends are no different, apart from willfully yielding to the same commands of the Lord that were extended to them.

What I’d like to point our most of all though is what takes place next, in light of what I’m proposing today. This text goes on to tell us that Gamaliel shows some wisdom and addresses the religious men of tradition that opposed the truth of the Messiah. He tells them, “For if their purpose or endeavor is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop them. You may even find yourselves fighting against God.” Admittedly, this will take you following closely to what I’m presenting or else you will miss the point (I am fully convinced this is what the Lord has revealed through this text, in light of our joining into Christmas celebrations.) It would seem, on the surface, that this actually opposes what I’m presenting, right? After all, Christmas, as “young” as it is, continues to flourish today. It in no way, according to the natural eye, looks to be “failing”. But let me ask you – what is it producing? Is it leading men to regeneration via Yeshua Messiah? 

Is the primary purpose, function and result bringing in a harvest of regenerated God-men? I mean, really. Is that really the fruit of the elaborate celebrations that we see? We must rightly assess what is a “failure” and what is flourishing. Christmas is failing, most assuredly. Even modern day evangelicals confirm they know this to be true. The “war on Christmas” to “remove Christ from Christmas is relentless, right? Why? Because it has failed. It has no power within it for it is created by men, for men. A celebration that originated in aligning Christianity with the ways of the world in order to “lure” non-Believers into the Church (a pattern that has never ever been a pattern of God in the Scriptures) by making pagan celebrations “Christian” cannot ever bring people to God for it was not sourced in His commands and ways. Friends, the fruit of this reasoning makes it crystal clear – it is not working! It is failing and the Church is losing. The world that She intended to “win over by being relevant” has defeated Her. She’s losing dearly and it is clearly evident for all to see.

Already this year I’ve seen people mention “the first Christmas” (Jesus’ birth). You do realize that no one had any idea of establishing a “season” around Jesus’ arrival, right? Most agree that it was not until the fourth century that the idea was placed on the Roman calendar. Many early “Followers of the Way” or “Netsarim” (as they were known, distinct from the newly-prescribed term “Christian”) wholeheartedly rejected the festival and denounced it entirely.

Perhaps you’re just convinced I’m an isolated ogre of a man that is here to ruin everyone’s fun and run the world via legalism. Again, please hear me. I have no personal vendetta to spoil your fun. We must move past this juvenile thinking and aggression.

Can I say something bluntly? “We find no Scriptural warrant whatever for observing any day as the birthday of the Saviour; and consequently, it's observance is a superstition, because [it is] not of divine authority.”

Now then, perhaps it would be good for us to fast forward to a more well-known source of much Christian literature that is very highly regarded. In fact, the line above, that is in quotes, was actually penned by an author/teacher you may know and revere, not me. A man named Charles Spurgeon had many opinions about Christmas and that was his statement, not mine. Most all of his thoughts on Christmas, perhaps surprisingly, would offend you greatly. Yes, the same man that penned many writings that likely sit on your mantle abhorred the holiday. “We have no superstitious regard for times and seasons.”, he also said. “Certainly we do not believe in the present ecclesiastical arrangement called Christmas.”

He continued, “How absurd to think we could do it in the spirit of the world, with a Jack Frost clown, a deceptive worldly Santa Claus, and a mixed program of sacred truth with fun, deception and fiction. If it be possible to honor Christ in the giving of gifts, I cannot see how while the gift, giver, and recipient are all in the spirit of the world.”

With more still, he went on to say, "Upright men strove to stem the tide, but in spite of all their efforts, the apostasy went on, till the Church, with the exception of a small remnant, was submerged under pagan superstition. That Christmas is a pagan festival, is beyond all doubt. The time of the year, and the ceremonies with which it is celebrated, prove its origin. Those who follow the custom of observing Christmas, follow not the Bible but pagan ceremonies.” Charles Spurgeon, 1871.

So how about Spurgeon’s thoughts on the matter of Christmas? If perhaps my thoughts on it hold little weight, do his? Or is he just a fanatical curmudgeon out to pour vinegar into your egg nog as well? So, we have the inception of the Church rejecting the observance and one of the most beloved men of God in recent history agreeing – Christmas is simply not a biblical, God-endorsed celebration and therefore has no place in the heart and home of a follower of Jesus Christ.

OK, so I’m not here to present a list of all of the texts about how God opposes man’s festivals and celebrations and how humanity adds to the God-ordained festivals. The issue at hand is really, what do we want? Do we want good memories, emotions, and enjoyable times together or are we willing to seek the Lord’s face for what is right and acceptable in His sight, at all costs? Are we even willing to forgo our traditions and celebrations in order to present ourselves as holy, pleasing and acceptable to the LORD?

All around, even recently in Messianic-influenced circles, I see the celebration of Christmas so strongly present, which, in all honesty has really caught me off guard. We have been influenced friends. Strongly influenced. Shrewdly drawn into a very appealing celebration that is tainted with man-made traditions that have zero biblical basis or command to be celebrated. Even feast-celebrating followers of Yeshua put up trees, promote Santa and follow the exact same customs of the world. It truly does baffle me.

Few seem to argue the point that the Bible, in no way whatsoever, commands us to celebrate in any way the “birth of Jesus”. Yet, it continues on, with virtually no one asking why then the Church celebrates it with such vigor, right alongside those who declare boldly that Christianity is a fallacy. Most seem to flippantly say, with their actions, “It’s about Jesus, so it must be OK”. I would say this is dangerous territory. Jesus does not need a “birthday party” my friend, as if He is a mere man.

So, why even bring it up then, you may ask. I just want to provoke you to ask some questions. Can we just start there? Are you willing to dare to believe that the celebrations of man at least hold the potential to be displeasing to the Lord? What if, in our abandoning of the feasts and festivals of the Lord and/or addition of pagan celebrations, we’ve forsaken something sacred and beautiful that was designed and instated by God Himself? The biblical theme of mixing should be at the forefront of our concern in everything that we align ourselves with. We are to be alien, set apart, distinct. We must give ourselves to this if we’re to be deemed worthy to bare the name of Yahweh as our Banner! If we celebrate an holiday or festival of men, alongside the world, free from any distinction, we are mixed, earthy, natural.

So, please just ask the question. Spend the next days, weeks and months asking God Himself if He is pleased. Have you done that, free from your personal bias? That’s all I’m asking. We will not have conviction on a matter until we are presenting to the Lord to seek His approval in the first place. Do you hear me? So many say, “Well, I don’t have that conviction”. Well, how would you? Have you presented it to the Lord, ever? Have you laid it on the altar of sacrifice for even one season to even see what the Lord would say about it? Have you ever laid it aside in any way to even see what value there is in the exchange principle for the man who desires God’s ways first and foremost, above his own?

Study and show yourself approved. What do the Scriptures say about Gods’ view of His people following the ways and festivals of the pagan nations? Have you done that? Before factoring in your personal preference, your desire to create memories, what you’ve just always done and all of the enjoyable things within the season, can you just ask some questions without any prejudice playing a part?

I’m convinced more now than ever that the “spirit of Christmas” is absolutely real and alive today. However, I would say unequivocally that it is not a “season of light and love” like we’ve been told. I would say, without any hesitancy, that it has no place in celebrations of the people of God. We have forsaken coming out from among them and being separate. The Church has lost Her way and distinction. She is not “winning over the world” but instead has become like it. Please ask. Please listen. Please yield your will and preference in order to be found pleasing to the Lord and in no way opposing His ways by carrying on our own traditions.

I know that I say this a lot, in light of many issues in life, what if our holiday celebrations are actually hindering us from being a distinguished set apart people? Again, the entire nation celebrates Christmas, void of honoring the lordship of Christ. If it were about the Messiah, it would have to be abandoned by the world and could not continue on without Him – period. But it has and it will continue to, unfazed.
I guess I’m just presently wondering, as one who is just beginning to explore the proper celebrations of the Lord’s Feasts, if, by abandoning them, we have instated our own celebratory events that now bring glory and attention to the creation instead of Creator. We now “remember” our own family memories and traditions instead of remembering the works of Yahweh.

If Christmas was deemed pagan and found void of being a truly God-pleasing celebration, would you still carry on the tradition? Again, if you gave yourself to truly place it before the Lord to see what God says on the matter and be willing, in your heart, to give it up, could you? Would you? We must ask these questions, or we will continue to, at the very least, be a “mixed race” people that throughout the entire history of mankind, God has rejected. I don’t want my household, or yours, to be in any way found in opposition of pleasing Yahweh God for the sake of the folklore practices of men.

Christmas, as I already briefly touched on, originated with the Church trying to “reach the world” (and moreso join themselves with the world’s celebration) and has digressed to be void of Christ. It has returned to its origin – an empty, pagan practice incapable of being an instructed festival of God. The fruit of it has deemed it to be failing and therefore it not sourced in Yahweh’s commands and ordinances to observe. We must be willing to admit this is the case in order to move forward free from the patterns of the world that have infiltrated the unkept, dilapidated borders of the distinct people of God.

I’ll end this article where I started. In humility, yet free from timidity. I desire to extend the Hezekiah call for the people of God to return to the statutes and ordinances of Yahweh. He has a prescribed way and until we’ve done away with our own, we will never find and follow His.

In absolute finality, I would summarize all of the aforementioned in this: We cannot properly reclaim/celebrate the God-ordained feasts, festivals, celebrations until we lay down, in humility, our own celebrations that we have created to replace them.

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