Sunday, April 23, 2023

Breaking The Cycle


All of humanity has inherited a cultural belief system that has been convinced that in order for something to be true, you must somehow be able to fully understand it within mere minutes. Opposing views and vantagepoints must be introduced in only minutes-long presentations or else people simply won’t even consider it.


I would propose that this has caused humanity to remain shallow, avoid deep dialogue and has even resulted in the altering of the Gospel Itself. But what if beliefs take a lifetime to study, discern, rightly understand and begin to apply to real life?


Take Christianity, for example. It has been so “simplified” that children in kindergarten “make decisions for Jesus” and are then sent off, “saved”. Mission accomplished. They’re warned to fear “new beliefs” that might “cause them to fall away”. But what else then? What do we all do with the entirety of our lives?


To stick with Christianity (because it is obviously a personal connection for me), wading in the kiddie pool of doctrine is the norm. “Don’t be so serious.” “Why take so much time studying ‘that’ topic anyway? It’s all about Jesus and if you take a year to look into ‘that’ you’ll forget about Him!” “Don’t question your faith or you’ll be led astray!” Dangers are told to us to be lurking around every corner. Just "abide in Jesus" and be a good person.


As I approach fifty years of age this year, by now I’ve heard it all, as I reflect back on my Christian life. I would propose that we’ve inherited a system of belief that is in place in order to keep us infantile. Even if one “comes out" of the "church system”, it’s already too late. Christian culture as a whole, has already been deeply engrained into us. Personally, I don’t feel like “programmed” is too light of a word to properly describe what has taken place. We have already been set on a certain, prescribed trajectory. 


If you’re really “serious about Jesus”, you “share the Gospel”. You read your Bible a few times a week (passages that you already know of course, in order to reinforce what you already believe). You tell your children that they’re sinners and Jesus died a horrible death so that they can become “good” and “free”, in Him. You attend church services or “organic” home gatherings. You may advance to teach Sunday School. Perhaps you even go to seminary. And if you’re really serious, you become a missionary or start own “ministry.” We all know the progression.


That’s why people like me (and I do know many nowadays) are a tough fit for most people. We study… a lot. We look into biblical topics that are outside of most people’s range of consideration. We constantly challenge the norm, even in our own personal beliefs. We have some strange drive to confront errant Christian doctrine, beginning with the ones that we personally embrace.


Now if you fit the “kiddie pool” criteria, it’s OK. If you’re willing to admit it and venture into movement towards change. Yahweh’s desire for His People is immeasurably more than what we have inherited. There is more than simply “knowing Him” and “talking about how awesome Jesus is.” So much more! But we will only know that when we step outside of our comfort zone of belief and seek out His treasures. Treasures that may even seem heretical at the outset, because of what I mentioned at the outset of this piece – we have been programmed. Sadly, most just don’t perceive that they too have been controlled.

A good way to test yourself is to ask, "what changes have I made in my beliefs since my conversion?" "What things have I added and what have I left behind?" "What do I regularly study that disagrees with my present belief system?" "How open am I to the presentation of differing opinions of Bible texts?" "How willing am I to make changes to core beliefs that I've possessed since my childhood?" These would be just a few good questions to gauge ones interest in advancing beyond the mere basics of the Christian belief system.

If you’re a boundary-pusher, like me, stay focused. Don’t be discouraged by the push-back of the norm. It is powerful, and it is nearly unanimous, but Truth is there for those willing to walk the narrow, constricting path to find it. Let us remember - few will find it and even less will count the cost to venture out into it, even after it is revealed. It will cost the sojourning traveler everything. Friends, family, fellowship, employment opportunities and of course, our very reputation. There is nothing that will test us more than being called a heretic whilst dedicating your entire life to learning and walking out Yahweh's wonderful ways.


Let all of us truly be willing to break this cycle of thinking that keeps us simple, shallow and immature. Again, we’ve got to wake up from the programmed mindset that keeps us from maturing and modifying our beliefs. It’s not just OK, it is mandatory for a growing follower of Messiah. The Gospel is not complicated, but it is deep and vast, reaching far beyond what we have inherited, in basic Christianity.


May we simply be humble enough to confess that we can always be better at nurturing our spiritual growth and being open to change. We are all individually responsible. Let us all choose well. Amen.

This article is now in video form HERE.


Cheryl B. said...

So many of us need to hear this. I feel like I've been stuck in Christian monotony for far too long. It seems all we're ever told in church is the same things over and over again. It would seem that there surely must be more. Please pray for me that I would be willing to change.

James said...

The New Testament makes it clear that an apostolic church was established and now we're free to live in Jesus. I learned this when I was in catechism (raised Catholic) and it has stuck with me into my "transfer" into Christianity. At the end of the day, the Gospel message is all that really matters. All else is up for mere debate and distraction.

Joel Spencer said...

Cheryl: Praise be to Yahweh for your willingness to move out of inherited traditions. There is more, yes! We will pray for you and your journey.

James: I find it interesting that you were able to make a "transfer" from Catholicism to Christianity with seemingly little effort. This is evidence of many points that I desire to present for consideration. Proper biblical understanding, when free from breaking the Word up into two differing sections, reveals that there is no "new" apostolic church that appeared out of nowhere. What you reference as "mere debate and distraction" is the stuff that I believe we need to be giving attention to. It's time for us to move past the cross and get to the meat of things.