Monday, May 29, 2023

"God's" Memorial Name


Exodus 3 Elohim answered Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” Then He said, “You are to say to the sons of Israel, ‘I AM’ has sent me to you.” Elohim also said to Moses: “You are to say to the sons of Israel, Yahweh, Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My Name forever, and the Name by which I should be remembered from generation to generation."

I would submit that sometimes we simply overcomplicate things in the Bible. Most Christians claim to be “grafted into Israel” and recipients of Their covenantal blessings, in Messiah. Yet, verses like these are somehow deemed unapplicable and irrelevant (as are so many others.) Most say, “We call Him ‘God’ now. We’re not Jews!”


Many times I have heard people say that they are recipients of covenantal promises because the Scriptures declare that they are for “all generations” of Yahweh’s People. Yet, as we see with declaring proper Names like Yeshua and Yahweh, it is generally ignored and labeled as “it just doesn’t matter anymore. ‘God’ knows who I’m talking to.”


My proposal is simple. Please consider the power, intimacy and honor within a name, even in our present culture. After I reveal my name to you to be “Joel”, how foolish of you to call me “Bill” or just refer to me as “man.” (The latter is more applicable as elohim/god is entirely generic, by definition.) One would never do this and simultaneously honor another. Likewise, this principle is not complicated, when applied to the specific Name of Yahweh. This is the same use of "memorial" that we see in passages such as Psalm 11:4, "Yahweh has made his wonderful works to be remembered/a memorial." (Hebrew “zeker”.)


Of course no one would argue that memorializing Yahweh's wonderful works is "not for us" because we’re not Israelites. And here we have a major issue with understanding and applying Scripture properly. I’d encourage you to study biblical history as a spiritual man and find out why His great Name has been lost. If His Name is “God” to you, I get it, but in light of this verse (and many others), have you ever asked why? “God” is not His memorial name. A memorial is a marker of remembrance. I believe that it would honor and esteem Him greatly if we returned to do so again, like so many generations that preceded us.


On a day that men have established to memorialize others, would you consider properly remembering and exalting the specific Name above all other names – Yahweh Elohim. There is none like Him. Have you honored His memorial Name lately? 

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