Thursday, January 11, 2024

A Man of Faith is a Man of Works


A man of faith has always been a man of action. Abraham was arguably the best example of this biblical pattern. He believed and he moved into a response that demanded action. The action (works) revealed that he was truly a man of faith. True faith will look like something.

Righteous men walk out righteous deeds. Righteous works!

We see interesting conditions at the end of the age, in Revelation 12:17, which states “the dragon became furious with the woman and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of Elohim and hold to the testimony of Yeshua.” All the way to the end, set apart men of Elohim are doing something. They're still guarding and walking out Yahweh's commands, alongside their belief in Yeshua.

Yahweh’s People have always been ones who believe and ones who walk out righteous acts. Even the Hebrew word “shema” is evidence of this simple principle. If you heard Yahweh, all will know because you will do what you heard. If you do not do what you were told, you must not have heard.

James continued this theme a few verses later as he stated, “faith apart from works is dead.” What was, is. What is, will be. Works of righteousness are not filthy rags my friends. Today, let us be careful that we do not possess a “dead faith.” One that lacks evidence of the wonderful works of our faith, as we walk in Father's wonderful ways! Selah.


Cathy said...

This is awesome! People need to hear this.

Path To Zion said...

Thanks for stopping by. I agree!