Wednesday, January 03, 2024

How Can We Know What Holy Spirit is Saying?


Somehow, knowing what Holy Spirit is speaking has become some mystical event that has some odd requirements. Some people choose to gather in darkened rooms, with just the right level of programmed ambiance. Others prefer a circle of drums and guitars, situated around a rug, where a certain song repeated just enough times ushers in Holy Spirit’s “presence.” Some need to dance and shout, crying out for Holy Spirit to “come down in fire.”

We’ve seen it all haven’t we? But what does the pattern of the Word say? What if the move and leading of Holy Spirit is just not quite what we’ve been taught that it is? Yes, it’s a supernatural event. Yes, we are a people that Father has given emotions. Yes, any encounter with the Ruach of Holiness is incredible. Yes! But I get concerned about the formulaic approaches that have become so common.

So, if we look to today’s text only, we see that Holy Spirit teaches and brings. He teaches Father’s Ways. He brings to remembrance what the Son spoke. And what did the Son speak? The Father’s Words, not His own. In John 12:49 (and countless other places) Yeshua tells us this: “For I have not spoken on My own authority, but the Father who sent Me has Himself given Me a commandment - what to say and what to speak.”

Let us simplify. The Father spoke to the Son. The Son returned to the Father. The Holy Spirit was sent by the Father and speaks what the Son spoke, Who only spoke what the Father spoke. This is not complicated and must be properly held and utilized. Therefore, Holy Spirit’s voice can always be confirmed by the Word, for He is bound to It entirely. I’ll repeat. All that we “hear” the Ruach speak absolutely must agree with Father’s Word. One must take the necessary time to solidify this, in order to avoid being deceived by a false, lying spirit.

Lastly, how often does Holy Spirit disagree with your own opinion? If not regularly, what you’re “sensing” is probably a false spirit. Holy Spirit’s function is not to merely confirm what we already feel, but to bring us truth. Let us become acquainted with Holy Spirit, in a proper way. We must give our lives to know the Word, and train our children likewise. Why? So that when we believe that we know what Holy Spirit is saying, we are properly capable and equipped to know what is true. Selah.

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