Wednesday, March 13, 2024

I Need a Savior


Ever since our son was old enough for it to matter, my wife and I have found solace in the fact that he has a Heavenly Father that loves him perfectly. Unlike us, He will not let him down or fail him. This has always been an encouragement as we train our son, yet do it imperfectly, time and time again.

Likewise, this too gives us hope, for ourselves. I will always fail and fall. I will rebel. No matter how genuine my efforts are, I will always be in need of a Savior. Thankfully, my Mighty One has always been One! He is Savior! He is Rescuer! He is Deliverer!

Long before He sent His Son to be the perfect human Example of His attributes and character, He was patiently extending Himself to mankind. And today? Today I have a Mediator Messiah, in the heavenlies in the role of Great High Priest. He is literally making provision for me to be received and welcomed, and in this, I find peace.

I desire for the truth to be in me. Therefore, I don’t shirk away from openly admitting that I have sin in my life. But, I am in an ongoing “atoned for” condition, awaiting a freedom that is yet before me. In Messiah, I have an Advocate that is working on my behalf. And this gives me hope. Do you know of this incredible Savior? I pray that you do. Selah.

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