So would the Son of Elohim had been a drunkard if He drank of literal wine? If some wine touched His lips at His death, was He a liar? Was He disqualified or do we change the Bible to make Messiah fit our personal belief systems? *sigh* No, friend. We’re looking into the wrong things.
Sadly, our clanging gongs of opinion often miss the entire point of affairs that Yeshua was speaking of. Of things that He was doing. I would suggest that Messiah’s specific words, spoken during specifics moments, within precise, ongoing events are of utmost importance. In today's text, it was Passover. He was with His taught ones. They were memorializing the Exodus account together like they had always done, yet this time was different. They would, of course, memorialize Passover after His ascension (1 Cor. 5:8), but this time was unique to say the least.
Father’s perfect timing planned it all this way. The Word is, of course, overflowing with examples of Yeshua being, in many ways, like the Passover Lamb. Surely, the hearts and minds of His closest brothers were seeing it all come into view. What an incredible moment.
Perhaps most importantly, if we properly examine “the cup” that He was holding and referencing, we see the greater purpose. This is of utmost importance since He will again drink of “this cup” in the kingdom. It will be Yahweh’s Passover cup, with Yahweh’s set apart, Kingdom People.
Yet again, we see identity matter greatly. Is this prophecy only for the Jews, since we’re (errantly) told that these are the “Feasts of the Jews?” If so, we have a grand problem. Are the “communion sacraments” now only for the Christians (Catholic/State “Church”), since the majority no longer memorialize the Passover Feast and have a "new way?" What does Christianity memorialize then, with the “Lord’s Supper", if it is not a Passover memorial and cup?
One ask these questions, dig out the answers and know why we all do what we do, if we really want to sit at the Master’s Table and share in that beautiful Passover cup, with the Messiah. All is one wonderful, covenantal story. Perfectly orchestrated by the Master Architect, Yahweh. The one and only Almighty. Selah.
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