But for those that can lean upon the Word and not our religious heritage, and who only want what the entire Word reveals as true, this is a wonderful topic to examine. I’ve spent the better part of 18+ months now specifically investigating the Word for answers to questions that my Christian upbringing could never answer.
The results are incredible. I like to ask questions. One of the best is “why do we have such a problem with acknowledging that Yahweh is Salvation?” The answer is somewhat complex and most don’t even know why. We will not tackle that today.
Hebrews 5:9, that some use to remove Yahweh from the equation, actually supports the rest of the Word. “And being made perfect, [Yeshua] became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey Him.” This actually supports my point today. Yeshua became the source of salvation to those who obey what? His new commands? No. Of course not.
To obey the subservient Son is to obey the Father, the One who bestowed unto His Son the gift of becoming “the source/cause” (Greek: aitios) of His (the Father’s) salvation extended to those who obey Him (the Son.) Yeshua was constantly making it clear that He had no initiative and agenda of His own. He was the cause of His Father’s Salvation. The physical manifestation. Yet again, this is why His Name matters. Yahweh Who is Salvation came and dwelt among us!
We just recently discussed the void of Believer’s literally speaking and declaring Yahweh’s Name. Today’s topic goes hand in hand with this concern as the majority equally do not properly understand the importance of the Name Yeshua. Friend, Yahweh is Salvation! Is that OK with you? Ever… single… time I declare the Name of Yeshua, I’m telling all of Creation that Yahweh alone is Salvation!
I could speak towards this all day, so I will bring
today to a conclusion with this. When I began to biblically see the function
and role of Yeshua, set beside all of His instructions to go and live as He,
something in me changed. I saw that I *can* be like my Messiah in the here and
now! Really! We too can be vessels of our Father’s wonderful Salvation! This is
good news friend! Blessed be the Name of Yahweh! He is my Salvation!
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