As we see with Abram, true belief causes one to move. To act in response. Abram’s belief here is one that moves him unto righteousness, in Yahweh’s eyes. Righteous deeds are the fruit (how one lives as a result of belief).
To “believe” biblically is to be absolutely persuaded! This gives proper context and understanding to verses such as John 3:16 – whoever “believes in Yeshua.” This is so much more than shrugging of the shoulders “Yea…. I ‘believe’ in God.” It is not merely mental ascent. It must look like something. I would propose that this is why Yeshua scolded the non-believing teachers that if they were, in fact, the children of Abraham, they would be doing the works that Abraham did. (John 8:39) Instead, they were laboring in vain, only exalting their own law and ideas above His Father’s.
Next, we see Abram recognize and declare that Yahweh is his Master and then he asks for a sign of sorts. “How will I know that this is true?” is what he’s basically asking. In verse 8 Yahweh says “bring.” In verse 9, “Abram brought.” He is directed to gather animals and he responds with obedience and actions. Again, he “believed” therefore he did. This will absolutely be true for those in the pattern of Abraham – Abraham’s prophesied seed.
Belief alone is not the goal. It is merely the beginning!
We must rightly read the entirety of the goings on here. Abram played an active role in bringing, preparing, preserving and covering the burnt offerings. Despite the endless fragmentary sermons that we’ve all heard throughout our lives, that tell us that “God did it all because Abraham was just sleeping”, we must realize that Abraham’s belief, that led to righteousness, moved him to action *first.* We must learn from this.
Yes, Abram believed first. Yes! And his belief, that brought about his righteousness, moved him to action!
Abraham’s actions to obediently assemble and prepare the animals, as well as his efforts to keep them from being carried away by the birds, is a clear depiction of Abram’s part in the covenantal process. We must hear instructions towards what to “do” and then respond with doing. True belief is only fully realized when one obeys what he believes and places his confidence within it entirely, just like Abram in Genesis chapter 15.
Yahweh will ALWAYS keep His covenantal responsibilities. Will we?
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