It would seem that a religion that demands no real code of living equally demands a righteous people and nation. What one eats, joins himself with and partakes in really just doesn’t really matter, in this age of belief. The line between the world and the church is quite gray, at best. The fruit of this has ripened in this generation. It has matured upon the tree of unrighteousness and we are beginning to reap a harvest that will be vast.
So, what will we do? Will there be a remnant People that are truly set apart unto Yahweh, in righteousness? Will we literally modify our behavior to pursue righteousness or just assume that it’s an imputed state that we are mere recipients of? Through the words of the prophet Isaiah, Father told us – if we listen to His commandments, we will have peace like a river and our righteousness will be like the waves of the sea.
you likely know, “listen” here in Hebrew (shema) is inseparable from obedience.
If you did not obey, you’re not listening. So let the nations of men do as they
will. Let the religions of men declare “everything is holy now” so “just be
free in Jesus.” But, let those who are longing for a better land set our gaze
straight ahead and love Father’s commandments. Perhaps then we will have any
chance at walking in righteousness until the promise that is set before us
comes in its fullness. Selah.
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