Although I'm not at all surprised at the incredible disinterest in walking out biblical instruction and counsel literally, my hope is that one person may read a differing opinion and at least consider it. Feel free to read and meditate on one part of the thread where I've shared. Perhaps there might be some bit of truth buried within it.
The question posed to me: "How do you propose to order society in a fallen world to prevent chaos and ever increasing moral decay?"
My response, in part: The correct answer is simple and direct – Messiah perfectly kept the Torah commands of His Father. People here keep saying that I’m suggesting lawlessness, which could not be further from the truth. You asked several questions so I will hone in on the primary one, that you say is “simple.”
It is simple and is also the antidote to your concerns of lawless living. Yet it is also what mainstream dispensational Christianity loathes hearing.
You asked, “How do you propose to order society in a fallen world to prevent chaos and ever increasing moral decay?” I propose that we return to what Messiah perfectly obeyed, adhered to, endorsed and exalted – His Father’s Torah commands. He is our perfect example and He stated that “Do not presume that I came to destroy and remove the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to destroy and remove, but to fulfill…. until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke of a letter shall pass from the Torah, until all is accomplished/fulfilled!” (Matthew 5)
Despite there being no argument that heaven and earth have not passed away, nor has all been accomplished/fulfilled, the Torah of the Creator has been deemed archaic and “Jewish.” Now we make our own laws and morality continues on a downward spiral. This is bad doctrine that has led us to moral decay, both secular and "Christian." So what then? Is there, as you stated, "a way to order society in a fallen world to prevent chaos and ever increasing moral decay?" Yes. A perfect Law has been given that cannot be contained within man's best efforts to create a ruling governmental authority. David wrote that “the Torah of Yahweh is PERFECT, reviving the soul.” (Psalm 19) he also wrote, “The sum of Your Word is truth, and every one of Your righteous judgments is everlasting.”
We could spend hours discussing the endless biblical references of Father’s perfect Law enduring forever – His guidelines for how humanity is to live. So, to be concise, please consider the Book of Revelation’s reference to this same matter, all the way to a future time that is yet before us: Revelation chapter 12 “So the dragon was enraged with the woman, and went off to make war with the rest of her children, who keep the commandments of Elohim (God) and hold to the testimony of Yeshua (Jesus).”
Some other Scriptures to consider, as you ask, “just what are His commandments? Have they changed, in Messiah? If so, when did the Son ever say so and when did He ever take up authority to change His Father’s Law and enact “new” ones? 1 John 2:3 “By this we know that we have come to know Him, if we keep His commandments.” Psalm 111:7 “The works of His hands are truth and justice; all His laws are trustworthy.”
While Christianity continues to deny the Torah and boast “freedom in Jesus”, both secular and Christian culture alike continue to decline further into immorality and lawlessness. Why? Man cannot govern himself. He was never intended to. This deception goes all the way back to the Garden. Yet there is a solution! Despite the very Word telling us that the Torah is PERFECT, very few want to even consider that this is the way to freedom, purpose, order and life as Father intended for humanity. Can we at least consider that Father has given us a way to live? Perhaps it's time that we literally come out and be separate, adhering to Father's commands. Creation living as the Creator intended instead of continually trying to govern ourselves in futility.
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