The Hebrew equivalent of the Greek “righteous” is “tamim” and is all throughout the Older Testament. Noah was tamim. Abram was tamim. The Passover lamb was also to be tamim. Here we scratch the surface and begin to see the proper meaning of righteous. Unblemished, upright and acceptable. A tamim one was whole and complete. Many translations even state this word as “perfect.” I suggest that the best way to properly explain this, in the most simple way, is that a righteous, tamim, dikaios (Greek) one is in right standing with the Creator.
Today, nothing has changed. In Messiah, our call is to walk as He did. We have the advantage of looking back upon His righteous life and imitate His ways, in obedience, empowered by Holy Spirit to remember all that He spoke. Be careful not to shrug off righteous deeds and pursuing a life of obedience. Lacking the attributes that enabled Messiah to be perfect in every way, via His obedience, should concern us greatly.
Let us be like Noah, Abram, Joseph, Zechariah and Elizabeth and so many others that were tamim/dikaios in Father’s sight. Perhaps if we are, He will look down and choose us to do mighty things for His great Name’s sake. Selah.
1 Peter 3:12 For the eyes of Yahweh are on the righteous and His ears open to their prayer, but the face of Yahweh is against those who do evil.
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