Friday, March 14, 2025

Is the Sabbath *Day* different than a "Sabbath rest state of mind?"


Let us take a mere moment to apply modern, dispensational doctrines of Sabbath Day observance to a couple of other commandments, shall we?
You can now carve an idol and worship it, as long as your heart is right before God.
You can take Yahweh’s Name in vain, as long as your heart is pure. Words don’t matter now, in Jesus. It’s all about your heart.
You don’t have to honor your father and mother in this age. Just honor God now. He knows your heart. That old law was a burden.
You can murder, commit adultery, steal and bear false witness now… as long as you believe in Jesus. He paid the penalty for all of that when He said “It is finished” so it just doesn’t matter anymore, for a Christian. We don't live under those outdated burdens.
As absurd as the aforementioned suggestions are, this is exactly what man has done to remove the command to “remember and cherish the Sabbath Day.” The Sabbath *Day*, friend. This is no mere “constant state of being at rest”, it is a literal Day. (Even the Book of Hebrews confirms this easily, when properly studied.)
Just as Yahweh Himself warned, when He gave the fourth commandment, man has forgotten. He knew that we would. Have you thought towards this? “Remember the Sabbath DAY” is the only commandment that we were told to “remember.” Please stop and think towards this, free from what the Christian church of our age has taught us.
Again, why did the Most High speak to this so directly? Man has forgotten. Even His People have abandoned and forsaken the simple command to remember and keep it holy. Endless sermons, books and articles have gone to great lengths to promote the mystical ”Sabbath rest state of being.”
Friend, this entirely misses the command to remember and set apart *a literal DAY.*
Set apart People do set apart things. Please be sure that you’re clinging to the Word today and not the modernized changes that most of us have inherited. Father’s commands are to be our delight! His ways are perfect!

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