Sunday, March 02, 2025

Political Theatre


I rarely ever speak publicly towards political matters. I've considered speaking to this specifically, for months. I felt the timing was appropriate. Please consider, free from anger and offense.

Political Theatre

What’s the difference between politics and Hollywood? Perhaps nothing more than the budget. Politics' budget is most assuredly bigger. Both are big business and both sell faster than they can churn out new episodes. The masses are sucked into the ongoing drama and indulge with great delight. The characters are well-played and people are drawn into the screenplay that is ever unfolding. It’s already written long before it plays on your screen, most just don’t realize it. Pointing this out generally incites anger and rejection. Denial is just one of the many symptoms of political over-indulgence. I get it. None of us like to admit that we've been played.

Sadly, one is an obvious presentation. Hollywood has household names on big screens and their faces on celebrity gossip magazines keep people gazing onto the visage of these make-believe people who distract the masses. Entertainment sells. But it doesn’t just sell. When presented in the form of politics, it directs entire nations. It literally controls and determines history. It is presented so slickly-produced that millions of people eagerly tune in and engage, on a daily basis. Good guys. Bad guys. Wars. Lies. Scandals. Secrets. You name it, it’s all there. The ongoing tug of war is always in full effect, keeping both sides at constant tension with one another. Sadly, it plays out far too easily. In the case of this nation, pick your team and fight to the death! Few take the time to look inside of the cooler to see that it’s the same kool-aid, just different colored cups.

Case in point, all of this nonsense within the current Zelensky/Trump production. Friends, this is all as scripted as they come. Can you not see? For years, Zelensky was a comedian and an actor. And a popular one at that. And what was his character? A man that “unexpectedly became president of the Ukraine.” Well, that’s just all coincidence, I’m sure. And Trump? Good grief. He has more Hollywood cameos and celebrity shoulder-rubbing than I’d ever be willing to dedicate the time to compile. His best friends are wrestlers, billionaire entrepreneurs, actors and models. But, hey! He’s “not a politician”, right? Well that all depends on who you’ve been conditioned to believe that a politician is.

Each day there are more “undeserving people” that the US has helped in the past that we need to disown immediately. Kick the “bad people” out of our borders. Stop funding this and that. Oh, and stop making pennies… immediately! (Seriously?) And all of it – all of it – is projected as this great work for “the *real* American people.” Oh really? Which ones? Well, the ones who cheer for *this* team, of course. The other team will get another turn before long anyway. Fill this team with temporal glee, the others with angst and rage and then simply flip the table again a few years and start over. Brother hating brother at every turn. Another term of red team versus blue team. Every term! Keep the evangelicals happy for a little while and they’ll be OK. We’ll rile them up again the next time around and bring it all back again. It’s all part of the greater, ongoing plan and people seem to have an egregious short-term memory towards it all.

After all, Trump has Hulk Hogan, Dana White, Roseanne Barr, Sylvester Stallone, Paula White, Franklin Graham and so many more all on his side. He must be the good guy, right? Or, could it be the assimilation that I’ve been warning of, for so many years now, unfolding right before our eyes? Evangelicals, rappers, actors, tech giants, billionaires… they all love him, right? Does no one else find all of this odd? Simply promise most Americans cheap gas and they’ll go along with just about anything.

In conclusion, do I need to post Trump’s video of his plan for Gaza? Golden idols of himself. He dances with a scantily-clad woman as cash falls from the sky. Transvestite belly dancers are the entertainment of choice. Trump and Netanyahu are hanging out by the pool, shirtless, drinking cocktails together. Babylonian imagery is at every turn in this little peek into Trumps proposed “golden age” ideal. My evangelical friends are as silent as a snow-covered midnight about it all too. They love him all the more.

In fact, those who are actually willing to address it seem to only have one defense to this rubbish. “Well… nobody’s perfect” as they shrug their shoulders and babble something more about how he’s “God’s man.” I say, “Nimrod!” to it all. I won’t play the game. I won’t stand with any of it. I won’t tune in to watch their scripted drama unfold, as if it’s all some horrible happenstance that they’re here to sweep in and rescue me from. Create the problem. Present the cure. Repeat.

What about you? Do you simply ingest what you’re fed? Do you buy into the hype of the theater? Do you really believe that this is not all written out long before it reaches your eyes and ears? Do you really believe that you are involved at all in making the decisions that govern this nation? “Look over here.” “Look over there.” Mind control at its finest. And, as is always the case, the subjects are entirely unaware. Just… the… way… they… like… it.

Is it even remotely possible that what I’m speaking of is true? Cry out for discernment! Step back and spiritually appraise what you see and hear. Awaken from your slumber. The nations are going to align. Prosperity, wealth and gain may in fact precede it, but then they’ll all fall even harder. Especially this Babylonian land, America. Judgment is coming. It has to. It’s our only hope. Yahweh be merciful. We’re all going to need it.

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