Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Who is this "God" That You Speak Of?


Roughly six years ago now, my wife first asked a very intriguing question: "Why do we never speak the 'name of God?'" I responded with, "You know… I don't know." After this, we embarked into an ongoing journey of rediscovering what has been lost. An intimate Creator Who has revealed His intimate Name.
As this simple image depicts, most people have no issue clearly stating the names of false deities in order to differentiate one from another. Names clearly distinguish one from another. Yet, in regards to the Elohim of all other Elohim, it just doesn’t seem to matter. He is simply “God” and that is somehow sufficient.
In an age where people believe all manner of things. When they place their hope and trust in all kinds of spiritual forces and deities. Now, as much as ever, it needs made clear that my Father’s Name is not “God.” His Name is not Lord. Names are personal and signify clearly who one is speaking to or about. Despite pagan gods getting the esteem of their name forever properly recorded and spoken, Yahweh has somehow been demeaned down to "God" by the religious majority. This is grievous.
In light of the Word and the endless importance given to His Great Name specifically, let us strive to call on the Name of Yahweh, our Elohim. There is none like Him! He is deserving of our declaring His Great Name – Yahweh! 
For more about this topic, click HERE.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Is Anyone Thirsty?

As I’m always saying, what was, is still today. This ancient question, “is anyone thirsty?” continues to go out.

Many today are turning to political figures, celebrities and “leaders” for guidance, direction and sustenance, but there is only one true Source. The same Source that has always been. Many come in His Name today yet speak promises that are merely rooted in falsehood and temporal pleasures of the kingdoms of men.

So, let this question continue to be put forth! Is anyone thirsty? There is an eternal wellspring of life for you, friend. The key is equally as old – you must deny yourself and abandon your own thoughts and ways.

Return to Yahweh today, friend. Cry out for Him alone to be your Source. He is sufficient. He is offering living waters that will never run dry. Just like He always has done. Selah.


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Were Abraham's Works Filthy Rags?

LawLESSness is increasing. In secular and religious culture alike.

Every... single... day that I tune into anything broadcast from mainstream Christianity, I hear "well, since the Law is *of course* no longer intact in Jesus...." It is a predictable segue to justify "freedom in Jesus."
"Don't do ANYTHING, but bask in all of the gifts God has handed you!" is the popular message of the masses. "All of those 'old laws and demands' of an 'angry God' are gone in Jesus, so be free!"

The next time someone tells you that your righteous deeds (works) are merely worthless and filthy rags, consider starting with humbly submitting these verses into the conversation.


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Truth or Delusion? Choose Today!


Now is the time to establish what truth is.
What is wickedness? What is lawlessness? Is there even any law today? If so, what is it and who defines it? Can we pick and choose now what we will obey? How do we train ourselves to identify false power, false signs and false wonders?
Now is the time to sharpen your discernment. Salvation comes to those who accept the love of the truth. Delusion is here. Wake from your slumber. Don't wait another minute.

Friday, August 09, 2024

Worry Or Trust?


Today is the day to study and learn what Father's Kingdom is. Today is the day to turn off the noise of this age. The kingdoms of men are raging and demanding that we live under the heavy hand of their intimidation, anxiety and dread.
Come out. Trade in your diet of media for studying of the Word. Train your ears to listen for what the Spirit is saying. Learn what Father's Kingdom even is. One cannot seek after something that he does not understand or see.
Allow Yahweh to be your capable provider today. Let Him be your strength and source.