Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Foolish or Wise? The Deception of this Age is Growing

For anyone who wonders where we are in this moment, Proverbs chapter 1 lets us know. “Naïve ones”, that are seen all throughout the Book of Proverbs, are ones that are easily persuaded and enticed. They refuse to listen to Wisdom’s call and thereby reap the fruit of their foolishness. They rush into believing whatever they are presented. Lady Folly (and all of her trappings) is their source. These eat the fruit of their own ways and are filled with their own counsel.

Friends, let us be sure that this is not us today. I see an alarming crowd running after the deception of this age, with little to no thought whatsoever to pause and consider what Wisdom is saying. Headlines are fact, for many. “Reports” define their reality. Naivety reigns here and the emotion, chaos and madness that follow clearly reveals it. Pull up a chair to the side of the table that you have chosen to sit at, and fill your plate. Many eat with great delight, what has been delivered to them perfectly. They eat their fill, wipe their mouths of folly and stand to their feet, inebriated by Lady Folly's delicacies. Thoughts, imaginations and decisions are then based accordingly. If we believe the Word, destruction follows.

Let us secure now that we will be men and women – households – that will love knowledge, choose to fear Yahweh, receive His counsel *and* His rebuke. This alone will preserve the few that will not engage in the game. These will walk in the sojourning pattern of Abraham, longing for a better country that cannot be forced into the governments of men. Then, and only then will any one of us have a chance to “live securely and be at ease from the dread of evil.”

Guard your gates today, friend. It’s time to awaken from our slumber. Selah.


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

When We're the Guilty Ones


Although we’ve highlighted this many times over the years, it would do us well to revisit it once more. Most of us have been trained to read about “bad people” in the Bible and think about someone else. Then, when encountering “good people”, we assume that whatever they receive surely must apply to us. “These” get judgment. “We” get blessing. “Those over there” deservedly get Yahweh’s wrath and “we” get His favor. It is how we’ve been taught to think. And it is awful.

Many times, when Yeshua encountered the non-believing teachers of His day, the guilt that they desired to place upon Him (and others) actually landed on them. Here, in one instance at least, they actually made the connection and realized this.

So, knowing this is always possible today as well – that we may in fact be the guilty party – let us choose well when harsh words against us come. Words of correction. Words of our guilt. May we not be surprised when we see that we are in fact guilty of what has been brought to our attention. Many of these men remained hard-hearted and stiff-necked. Here specifically, they even wanted to physically grab Him, in their anger.

In the Word we have many examples of men humbling themselves before Yahweh and His Son. We too have the exact same choice. Today, let us not be so fast to assume we’re always the ones on Yahweh’s good side. Perhaps it’s time we start in the mirror and cry out as David, “search me know me and see if there be any wicked way in me.” And then? Let us not be so surprised when there is. Selah.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Is the Torah REALLY How to Live Today?


Here we see yet another reason why this age is in the condition that it is in. LawLESSness abounds. The Torah has reportedly “been abolished” in the eyes of those who claim to “know God.” Grace and “freedom” rule and the people self-govern. "We're not under those 'old rules' anymore." Interestingly, the religious majority and the world say the exact same thing.

The result? Men hate their neighbor. Brother kills brother. Actions are from stony hearts of volatility, revenge and insurrection. For a lengthy list of reasons, the Torah of Yahweh is not upon the hearts of many men today. Whether by sheer Garden of Eden rebellion or due to an ignorance of what the New Covenant even is. (Jeremiah 31, Ezekiel 36)

Let us join in with David and declare, the Torah of Yahweh is perfect, reviving the soul! Remember, our Messiah told us how simply the Torah and the Prophets can be understood – do unto others as you want them to do to you. It seems to me that the world could use a heavy dose of this truth right now. How about you? Selah.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Love & Commandments

 Not much to say this morning, as a vast ocean of distracted and carnal/worldly opinions abound.

I would propose that this statement in, John chapter 15, is: 

1) How Yeshua was able to reside and remain in His Father’s love. 

2) Why humanity as a whole does NOT reside and remain in Yahweh or His Son’s love.

Love and law are inseparable, biblically. LawLESSness leads to chaos.

Please consider clinging to Father’s perfect Ways and sojourn through here, looking for a better country. Only the seed of Abraham will keep moving. Selah.

Monday, July 08, 2024

Psalm 138:8


What is Yahweh’s purpose for you? Do you know? What is it, both individually and in general, as a human created in His image?

While declaration has surely been mishandled and misused, time and time again we see biblical authors declare many wonderful things, both to Yahweh and men.

Personally, I Iove the closing line of this chapter, “Do not abandon the work of Your hands.” I often find myself, in my ongoing journey of the ups and downs of life, saying this gentle reminder to my Father. Oh Yahweh, please remember me. Help me. My life is your handiwork. I trust that You will fulfil Your purposes for me. Your lovingkindness endures forever. Selah.