The Double Edged Sword
Striving to live as Messiah... without all of the religious nonsense.
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Is "God's Judgment" Coming to California?
Thursday, January 09, 2025
Killing the Spirit of Cain: Repentance
I think that we need to be aware that, according to the Word, things could have gone much differently for Cain. Although his offering unto Yahweh was not acceptable, he could have humbled himself and turned TOWARDS Yahweh and received mercy. Instead, he hardened his heart and introduced murder into Father’s Creation. His one act ushered in great violence, jealousy and bloodshed of humanity, only one man away from Father’s breath creating man from the dirt.
Friends, when we see that we’ve wronged Yahweh, let us learn from this. Consequence flows down way beyond ourselves, individually. When we bring Father what He does not desire (and we all do) let’s respond better than Cain and lift our countenance up to our merciful and forgiving Father. The entire theme of the Bible is that He receives a contrite and lowly heart.
The spirit of Cain has blossomed and covered the entire face of the earth. Let us be different. Let us learn and change. Sin CAN be mastered but it will take our willingness to repent and turn from our own wicked ways. Perhaps if we will, we can little by little begin to turn a generation in the right direction and undo, in part, this great arrogance and rebellion of man. Selah.
Sunday, January 05, 2025
False Signs & Wonders Are Coming
Wednesday, January 01, 2025
Is January the New Year?
How much more like the world can the Body become?
No more biblical holy days. No more Sabbath. No more Law. No more biblical new year either. I often wonder, does anything at all matter anymore?
January 1 is no more the new year than I’m a supermodel. Majority Christianity follows the masses and exalts their own ways above the Creator’s, with great delight. Come out. Be separate. Let’s do better! The clock is ticking. Who will step out of the line and be a set apart, holy People?
Biblical authors wrote endlessly to this point. They called it “going the ways of the nations.” Although most Believers are fully aware of this term, there has been some sort of a disconnect regarding how this has been exactly what has taken place. That’s what deception does. Generation after generation. Tradition after tradition. Millennia later and there’s simply no distinction anymore. No true holiness.
Let us not be guilty of saying with our mouths that we’re living differently than the world yet do every… single… thing that the world does. Consider looking into the Creator’s calendar, won’t you? A new year will arrive as the earth springs up to life! His Passover will arrive and we will celebrate the new life that we've been given! Freedom! His ways are higher than our ways! Let’s leave the ways of the nations and ask for the ancient path. Then, let us choose well and walk in it. (Jeremiah 6:16) Selah.
Monday, December 30, 2024
Is All of the Bible Still True Today?