Friday, April 28, 2006

Holy Fire (Word)

I am the wind. I am the flame. My flame burns bright and My wind blows the flame stronger and stronger. This flame will consume your sin, your shame, your fear. Do not fear. It is a holy flame burning inside of you. Do you see? It is in you even now. It resides in you, for I reside in you. This fire will not go out. It cannot be quenched for it is an eternal flame not created by the hands of men. Allow the fire to burn, let the fire out. Let the fire out. Speak my words to the ends of the earth. They will see the fire burning within you if you only speak. It's my desire to burn in them as I burn in you. I don't desire to consume them in anger or scold them as many on the earth assume. This fire will only burn all impurities and earthly desires so that only I remain. I created you. The fire is all that will satisfy. No earthly possession or activity will satisfy. I alone. I alone. I alone. I yearn for you. You are my son, you are Mine. Don't fear My holy fire. Let it burn brightly within you for all to see. I am fanning the flame, do not fear, for it is Me – it can be no other for no other can touch you as I touch you. No other longs for you as I long for you. No other cares for you as I care for you. No man has ever even seen the depth of love that I have for you. I love as no other is able, has ever or ever will love. I and I alone yearn for my sons and daughters - I long to be their Father. Tell them I long to be their Father. Please, tell them I desire them, I love them. I love them as no other loves. The holy fire will draw them. Use nothing of your flesh for it is not you that calls men unto Me. It is My holy fire. Be my lampstand burning night and day for all to see for the time is running out. Do not tarry any longer. Now is the time to burn.

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