Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Creator, The Creativity

Very seldom, if ever, do I post about what's simply going on in my life, but I thought today would be a great exception. I've been contemplating writing a book over the last 2 weeks or so. I've kept it in prayer, but have really had no direction regarding what, if anything, would ever become of it. Yesterday as I was fixing my lunch, a character popped into my head. It literally "felt" like it was simply "dropped" into my thoughts. It was so strange as I knew without a doubt that it was from the Lord because of the suddenness of it all. I hadn't even been giving it any thought yesterday really. But right then, I knew I was to sit and begin writing immediately. As I did, the story continued to unfold as I typed. 3+ hours later, I already had over 3,500 words and was as giddy as a young boy on Christmas morning. Only God knows what will become of it all, I'm simply thankful that God gives creativity to His children.

What is it that God has given you the ability to do? Where do you exercise your creativity that flows from His throne? If you're not sure, ask Him today. Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you. It's there that you'll find joy and purpose. God is moving.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love it when the supernatural and the practical collide!