Thursday, July 20, 2006

God's Incredible Glory

When reading in Romans this morning, something jumped out at me. You know how it often is, you've read a passage dozens of times and think that you've got it all figured out. Well, I made my way down to 6:4 and I was stopped in my tracks. It states, "We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life." Although I'm becoming more and more fascinated with God's glory as each day passes, I had never grasped that His glory was stated as what actually raised Jesus from death to life. I, of course, knew that the spirit of the Lord actually did the "work", but had never realized it was stated as God's "glory". His glory fills the earth. His glory fills the heavens. His glory is all around and is in every detail of our everyday lives, whether we see it or not.

This all–powerful glory is also the fuel that breathes life into death. This glory reaches out to you and I, through Christ and administers eternal life into our lifeless bodies. We are created to bring this glory unto our Father. Created to speak life into others that are dying as we once were – many not even realizing it. The same glory that raised Jesus from the dead also gives us a new life, when we accept Him. It also gives us a new life each day. Renewed morning by morning as we seek to see and call down God's glory on earth as it is in Heaven. So remember as you go about your normal, day to day "life" today that you have a new life – all thanks to the power and glory of our loving Father.


Anonymous said...

Rob Bell teaches at Mars Hill Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Here is the link for free message downloads. Thanks for visiting my blog!

Anonymous said...

good point. May the glory surround the homes of my children and their families.