I'm not a gloom and doom kinda guy, but... please read the following top news stories from Saturday, January 27 at 3:46 EST and even attempt to debate that this world is not falling apart.
Ex-Spy Poisoning Suspect: It Wasn't Me
U.S.: Rolling Pig Into Mosque Not Hate Crime
Cops Kill Teen Who Killed Mom With Sword
Man Tasers Grandmother in Spanking Dispute
Nine Youth Convicted in Halloween Attack
Bombing Kills 11, Wounds 35 in Pakistan
Cops Hunt for Priest Accused of Sex Assault
Two in U.S. embassy car shot dead in Nairobi
Teacher Barred for Genitalia Drawing Exercise
Tens of Thousands Protest Iraq War in D.C.
61 Killed, Found Dead in Iraq Violence
Teacher Barred for Genitalia Drawing Exercise
Tens of Thousands Protest Iraq War in D.C.
61 Killed, Found Dead in Iraq Violence
Hamas-Fatah violence continues; 20 dead
Iran installing 3,000 nuclear centrifuges
11 Girls Killed in India School Collapse
Girl: Cop Made Me Do Topless Jumping Jacks
Navy Helicopter Crashes Off California Coast
Cops: Suspects Had 1M Pics of Kiddie Porn
Teens Who Cooked Puppy Alive Plead Guilty
11 Girls Killed in India School Collapse
Girl: Cop Made Me Do Topless Jumping Jacks
Navy Helicopter Crashes Off California Coast
Cops: Suspects Had 1M Pics of Kiddie Porn
Teens Who Cooked Puppy Alive Plead Guilty
"As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man." Jesus - Matthew 24:37
1 comment:
thanks now i am sad. Not like crying sad but bummed. That reminded me of a song on the album "Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Tyme" by Simon and Garfunkel. The song was Silent Night. But they played news audio of the highlights of the year and how so many things were going wrong and how they disagreed with the war. Not as good as the headlines you have put up but on the same arena.
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