Hello world! I'm still alive and well after a somewhat lengthy blogging hiatus. It's surely not that the Lord hasn't been doing amazing things in my life, but as previously noted, we've been quite busy and/or out of town. There were times where I felt that what God was speaking was worth sharing, but I never felt led to post any of it - perhaps it was just for me. God is really dealing with me in two specific areas over the last few weeks.
1. Wisdom - Not of the earthly kind and not just "knowledge" simply for the sake of having some sort of spiritual advantage over others in this life. I'm speaking of the wisdom and truth that flows from God's throne via His word, time in His presence and even through other believers. I'm getting to a place where the truths that God has shown me cannot be shaken. Yes, I need to always be open-minded and teachable, but I must never be swayed to doubt the things that God Himself has revealed to me as truth. Wisdom is attainable here and now - Godly wisdom, not the wisdom of men. And I want all that God can dish out.
2. Love - Welcome to my life for the last 12 months or so. God is truly answering my prayers regarding giving me His heart. It is so much deeper and intense than I could have ever imagined, and I know that I'm not even scratching the surface. As the Bible states, "He has lavished His love on us." - how incredible. When I lavish my love on my wife, I'm constantly giving her my attention, always seeking to remind her of my great love for her. Likewise, God is announcing His great love for this world, "desiring than none should perish".
So, with that being said, I want to encourage you to turn off all of the distractions of life, take a seat on the floor at the feet of Jesus and quietly assess why you live each day. Is it to gain worldly success or status? Is it to have fun and simply be a friend to others, never ruffling feathers or creating waves in life's circumstances? Or are you on your knees crying out to God to transform you into His likeness and speaking words of wisdom, always rooted in the Fathers heart of love? I long for the day when I face this world with wild abandon and unwaivering faith that can move mountains, despite what my carnal eyes may see before me.
Be encouraged, take this day on with God as your only source and hope. He is alive and well, looking down on your every move, longing for you to see this world through His eyes.
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