Ok, so here’s the rundown of what happened. For months now, I’ve been walking in a new awareness of the spirit realm. For those unaware, that would be the world in which only spirit dwells. It’s not something “crazy” or “spooky”, it is reality for the believer – read your Bible. With that said, I’ve been walking in this awareness and crying out for God to allow me to daily walk in my heavenly dwelling rather than this earthly tent (2 Cor. 5:1). Fast forward to Friday, July 6. I drive out to Nashville in order to volunteer for The Call and spend much of the time driving out there announcing that Heaven will come down and I will see God’s manifest glory. Walking around the inside of the stadium that night, I saw doves flying overhead many times, and I asked God to fill that place with the fiery presence of the Holy Spirit.
My section to work in was on the top tier that overlooked the entire stadium. It was perfect – it was as if I could see as God saw if He were peering down to catch a good view. Keep in mind that I was in and out due to working the event, so my time to join in was pretty limited. There were however two distinct times that I literally felt the presence of angels, but I didn’t see anything. In order to keep memories of the event, throughout the day I took pictures with my cellphone of the stadium.
One specific time, around midday, I took several pictures in succession, moving right to left – attempting to catch some good views of the crowds. With no frills or excitement, I took the pictures and put the phone away. When I arrived back home Sunday night, I was thumbing through that set of pictures and the picture above (bright white) was right in between two normal pictures of the stadium. The camera phone has no flash and nothing else remotely like it showed up within my other pictures – I was intrigued.
By Monday my wife and I had messed around several times with the hue and color of the picture in order to “highlight” the “item” in the picture. Our results gave us chills. The Lord then spoke to me through Jeremiah 33:3. I did some study and here is what is says with Hebrew root words and explanations inserted: “Call out to Me by name and I will answer you and tell/announce/manifest/expose/explain/declare to you great and mighty things, which you do not know/observe/understand/recognize.”
This alone was my major confirmation in my spirit. It was nearly word-for-word what had taken place. The Lord had done what His Word has promised that He would do. I was looking at a picture of a “heavenly being”. Why in the world would I choose to doubt or “rationalize” His declared Word that was made alive? People may ask, “Why there? Why you?” I say “Why not?” I’m His son, a King, an Heir to all that is His… and I’ve asked to see! It was the worship of the thousands at The Call that went up to the throne room of God and released the Heavens upon the earth. Although I was only allowed to capture a glimpse via a camera, it’s enough for even the hem of Jesus’ garment and Paul’s shadow had the power to heal.
My purpose for even putting this online is to encourage the thousands, if not millions, of Christians that don’t truly believe that God is still a God of the supernatural. I pray over each one of you 2 Kings 6:17. Thank You Lord for revealing Your great mysteries – they are truly endless!
Note: This photo was not altered anymore than made negative and darkened. I don’t even know how to do much else - besides, God doesn’t need my assistance.
Hey Joel
Not that you or God need my stamp of authenticity. But I am a believer in God's children seeing in the supernatural and I personally desire more and more. Not for thrills and chills but for the earth and us declaring God's glory. We ARE seated with Jesus in heavenly places and are to set our minds on things above, HEAVEN IS OUR HOME. Is this a type of things to come for us? I certainly believe it is.
I was at The Call:Nashville and was just so blessed. I have been seeking non-stop since I returned for someone who might have a copy of this entire event on VHS, DVD, or CD that would be willing to mail to me for a price that you could name. It would be used for personal use only, of course and just to minister to loved ones God's annointing and how it fell on us all that great day. Thanks if you can help!
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