Monday, March 23, 2020

Discernment In This Hour

2 Peter 3:3 "First, understand this: during the Last Days, scoffers will come, following their own desires "

Oh man is this a needed word for this hour. I've been disconnected from the "prophetic movement" for many years now but a quick peek into what the "prophets of the hour" are saying quickly made this verse clear as crystal.

Relief, blessing, relief, favor, relief, judgment for the "wicked" (ie: anyone who is not Christian American, basically), relief. Did I say relief yet? Where in the world is judgment and repentance for the House of the LORD - first? 
This verse clearly instructs us that many will come and follow their own desires and longings - like relief, blessing and favor. And guess what, because it is fleshly and natural, all who are found walking according the flesh-man will get in line and follow the leader.

Avoidance, "overcoming" and, in my opinion, attempting to supplant and supersede the hand of the LORD WITHIN the pestilence, will lead even the elect astray. Hear the words of Peter friends coming all the way here to us in 2020. Many are forgetting that the Prophesied One is coming and there are events that MUST come in order to usher in this prophesied Return. We must fall to our knees and turn from our wicked ways and FEW will desire to walk this way that OPPOSES our natural tendencies and fleshly cravings and longings.

It's time to be spiritual men, down in the dirt - for ourselves individually, for our household, for our nation, for the global Church and for all of humanity that has rebelled against Her Creator. - J

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