Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Purpose Within The Pestilence

I'm amazed and alarmed at how many Christians are saying how they "know for certain that this virus is from 'the devil'". I would ask, how do you know this? Teams of "Prophets" are standing and saying they've "been told" that this event is this or that (everything from merely political to outlandish foolishness).

I would ask, how are we arriving at this conclusion? All of of us are absolutely susceptible to being led astray friends. All of us! Study to show YOURSELF approved. Do not be positioned in ignorance, merely dependent upon others opinions, doctrines, or "visions".
In this study, I challenge you to get out your Bible and read - pray - meditate upon it. I submit a biblical pattern that doesn't merely throw blame upon "the devil" and rationalize it all away via natural man thinking and perception.

So, who will the Church be in this hour as She is told to go away and hide out with the rest of the world? My prayer is that we hear the word of the LORD and stand as His Watchmen. And then, we stand firm again and again. Unmoved. Hearing loud and clear the oracles of God in this very hour and following His instruction, according to a biblical pattern.

Many will simply eat and ingest whatever they are fed - whether from from media or mainline preachers and teachers. I understand that. But what about you? Will you be a mature one who turns off the endless 30-second offerings of this world to entertain you or even feeble attempts to "cheer you up" and give you a false peace that is as the world gives?

What if we're to hurt? What if we're to cry out? What if we're to fast and pray? What if we're to weep? What if all of this is absolutely dependent upon our repentance? What if we're to abandon all other offerings of hope and find our only Deliverer WITHIN this pestilence? My prayer is that there will be many who MAKE THE TIME to hear the word of the LORD in this hour.
This teaching, I believe, will show us a pattern for the here and now. Please consider listening, with spiritual ears, according to what the Spirit is saying in this hour. We MUST know and will not know by arrogantly assuming we just inherently know the ways of God. It is time for the Church to awaken from Her slumber.

* These podcast episodes are available in nearly every platform available. Simply search "Path To Zion Podcast")

The entire 5-part series, "The Purpose Within The Pestilence" is here on YouTube:

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