Friday, December 29, 2023

Sabbath Day or "Sabbath Rest?"


On the heels of the holiday season, all around me I hear of people that are so exhausted and “thankful ‘that’ is over again.” Men tell me of how they didn’t get any rest during their time off at home with their families. Parties, gift-buying and giving, school programs and public productions. People seem so tired and weary.

And this is not limited to just the Christmas season. Many men and women work overtime, drop their children off at school or daycare and then rush around each day to accomplish what is required. Many households live in a constant state of spiritual and physical fatigue. I remember well the stresses of church staff duties, although I was only ever part-time. Pastors, evangelists and preachers always speak of “ministry burnout” and trying to keep up with the stresses of maintaining organized religion. It is all around us.

Now I fully understand that everyone’s daily life functions are all different. Sometimes circumstances beyond our control cause us to do more than is healthy. But what *can* we do? What if we started by flipping our valuation of what comes *first* in our lives? What if we exalted the Fourth Commandment and allowed it to accomplish Its purpose? More than income. More than someone else training our children. More than demanding jobs that overextend us in order to have more stuff.

Have you ever wondered how odd it is that the Creator of all chose to rest on a set apart day, yet those who claim to be His People arrogantly declare that they just don’t need to anymore? Somehow, people really do believe that they’re “always in the Sabbath rest.” But is there really any evidence of this around us?

Recently, I was sharing with a young lady how we do not keep the holidays of men, but instead celebrate Yahweh’s Feasts. She had many questions, which concluded with “so… you probably don’t have any of this stress then, right?” (She had been sharing about the stress on her family to celebrate Christmas.) I laughed and told her, “Well, no… we don’t have any!” We laughed. She said, “I sure wish *we* didn’t have to do all of this stuff like that!” Although this was a light-hearted conversation, the deeper issue was revealed. We feel like we have to carry on stressed, strained and exhausted… for the “good” of our families. It is simply not working. Could it possibly be it is because we do not truly “enter His rest” as He prescribed?

The common phrase, “In Jesus, I’m in the Sabbath rest all of the time” is, by definition, impossible. Those who say this (as I used to) simply do not understand Sabbath. Sabbath is a distinct, holy day that is to be remembered and consecrated as different and unique unto Itself. Therefore, It cannot be every day or else It would not be holy any longer, It would be merely common, like the other six days.

Lastly, this is no presentation of “what day you worship on.” This is about remembering and hallowing. Two things that most all of us have not inherited a proper understanding of. So, what about you, friend? Do you “keep” and remember the Fourth Commandment? If you do not, then perhaps we should choose others as well to remove because “well, Jesus changed that too.”

Please consider if it is at least possible that you’re missing out on what it means to truly rest and meet with the Father, in a way that is set apart for His set apart People. We have found (and are finding more with each passing year) the purpose of the Sabbath. We never knew how badly we needed It, until we started remembering. Keeping It holy. It has changed our lives, on a weekly basis!

If you would like to know more about this, see the comments section below or message me!

1 comment:

Path To Zion said...

Sabbath video series: