Many times, when I’m reading the Bible, I come across “bumper sticker” verses that have been extracted and errantly made to stand alone. Usually, it is without question that they are removed entirely from their context. We see this here, in today’s text.
I’ve heard many sermons. I’ve seen it on tshirts. We used to tell people this verse during evangelism outreach events. We have this all wrong. We must be careful how the Bible is applied. In this case, these are Yahweh’s direct words to a specific individual, Joshua. Specific words to a specific man, at a specific time. Even if we stretch these wonderful promises to be applicable to us, at all times, we must read the criteria that *precedes* the blessing.
Let’s read the key parts first: “This Book of the Torah shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in It. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you?”
Let’s just say that we can grab this promise and put on our lives. If we do this, we must also take the necessary time to read and understand the criteria for Joshua. Why? Because Yahweh says, “for then…” and “have I not commanded you?” So, let us be continually careful to not merely grab Scriptural promises and put them on ourselves like a garment that was not made for us.
And if the promises do have applicable attributes for us today, we must fairly consider the criteria. To today’s text, have you ever “stood on the promises” of “be strong and courageous for ‘God’ is with you?” I’ll bet you have. So, to use the Word rightly, do you also mediate upon the Torah day and night? Are you careful to do what is written in It? Have you been “commanded” to do the Torah? If not, because “Torah is for someone else”, then one must also disqualify himself from the blessing for those who do the preceding requirements. Understand?
The Bible is a covenant Book, from beginning to end. Yahweh constantly repeats “when you, I will.” It is His covenantal character and He is entirely trustworthy and faithful. We must properly apply this when we read of righteous men that have preceded us, and how Yahweh dealt with them, specifically. There is a way to walk, friends. But it may look a bit different than we thought. Selah.
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