Saturday, March 23, 2024

Moving From "We Don't Have To Do That!" to "Why Wouldn't We Want To?" VIDEO EDITION

As Yahweh's Spring Feasts roll in, we have to ask this question, "Why do Believers today NOT do Father's biblical Feasts, like Passover, yet do celebrate man-made traditions in Their place, like Easter?"

Is this merely up to one's personal discretion or have we missed something? In this episode, we will attempt to solidify that religion of our age has misunderstood our identity, and thereby what we're to do because of it.
Specifically to this time of year, we will highlight that Easter and Passover are not at all interchangeable.
What are Yahweh's memorialized Feasts and Who is invited to celebrate Them? Do you know? Let's find out!


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