Sunday, March 31, 2024

Why Christianity celebrates and memorializes Easter, instead of Passover

Disclaimer: This article is not for everyone. It will offend many but those who hunger for truth will be willing to listen.

It’s a very brief reference revealing some history that the state church has implemented, in regards to why Christianity celebrates the way that it does. Why doesn’t the modern Christian church that most of us have inherited celebrate Passover? Why do they celebrate Easter?

I believe that it would do us good to know.

To be clear, I’m in no way suggesting that we make light of Yeshua’s death, burial and resurrection. We’re in no way looking to demean these events and their incredible work!

Yet, when it comes to celebrating and memorializing them, we must admit that there is absolutely no scriptural instruction to do so. Despite this, the majority honor and esteem Easter (knowing it is not a biblical instruction) yet do not memorialize Passover (which is biblically instructed to memorialize). I hope this makes my point as to why I feel it’s worth our time.

I feel like many times we ask the wrong questions. I often suggest that instead of asking “Why can’t we?”, we should ask “why do we?” Why do we do what we do is a much better question, I believe.

The majority of the follwoing content was grabbed from the online Catholic Encyclopedia databases, located in the public domain.

Much of this error begins with the self-appointed (“apostolic”) men that sought to rewrite the way to live. They believed, as we will read, “ a better way” than that of the Old Covenant People of Yahweh. They sought to eradicate the “Jewishness” of the faith.

We begin now, with the quotes that I believe will help us all rightly understand what we have inherited….

“It would appear, then, indisputable that in the earliest years of the true Christian Church ecclesiastical functions were fulfilled by men who had been specially endowed for this purpose with "charismata" of the Holy Spirit,”

“The Church — an organized society is therefore Catholicism, and by that term we signify a worldwide institution, bound together by unity of constitution, of doctrine, and of worship, and have been established by the direct action of the Apostles…”

“The jusrisdiction exercised within the Church is of Divine right, and determined by ecclesiastical law. A supreme jurisdiction over the whole Church clergy belongs by Divine appointment to the pope.”

“The precepts of the Church are: To observe the feast days appointed by the official Church; to hear Mass reverently on these designated feast days; to observe the fasts on the days during the seasons appointed; to confess to one's priest annually; to receive Holy Communion at least once a year and that around the designated feast of Easter.”

AD 325 “At this meeting the question concerning the most holy day of Easter was discussed, and it was resolved by the united judgment of all present that this feast ought to be kept by all and in every place on one and the same day… And first of all it appeared an unworthy thing that in the celebration of this most holy feast we should follow the practice of the Jews, who have impiously defiled their hands with enormous sin … for we have received from our Savior a different way…”

“Even though the etymological root of Easter be linked to the name of a pagan goddess and pagan ceremonies, the feast which the word describes is Christian without question.”

Lastly, this quote is specific to our point today: 

Originally both observances [Passover and Easter] were allowed, but gradually it was felt incongruous that Christians should celebrate Easter on a Jewish feast, thereby unity in celebrating a principal Christian feast was called for..." 

Some conclusion commentary:

These beliefs are permeated with replacement theology doctrine. Yes, we know what the righteous men of old did, but we know better now. “those things were for them. We’re somehow better now, ‘in Jesus.’” These leaders demanded the masses to acknowledge that they  had power and authority endowed to them to replace Yahweh’s Feasts by rebranding Them as the “Feasts of the Jews.”

They created the moniker the “Feasts of the Jews”, convinced Believers to perceive that they are a new, better people now. Ones that embraced what the Jews missed because they were so unlearned and blind. Insert this into their ever-increasing religious authority and within generations, this new ideology became the norm. And here we are friends.

It has been so successful that when I suggest one should memorialize the Feasts of Yahweh, like Passover, even the idea has become demonized. If you do so, you somehow negate the cross. You don’t rightly esteem the work of Messiah and do not understand the Gospel. We see the same in Christmas. If one doesn’t memorialize Christmas, because it, as a memorial and holy day, does not appear anywhere in the Bible, you don’t care that Messiah came in the flesh and dwelt among us.

The elite religious order has succeeded. So what will we do about it? May we not continue to fall prey to their plan. We must study the Word free from this traditions of men bias and do what It says. What it commands us to do (and not do) is sufficient and it needs no additions from men.

It is all our personal choice. Choose well. 

This is also in audio form HERE.


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