I have said many times that this is the first appearance of men missing Yahweh’s Appointed Times. A pattern was set. Yahweh was there. Man was not. We then see Yahweh call out to the man, “Where are you?” We know that Adam responds. Yahweh again asks a question. This time, He asks, “Who told you that? Have you eaten of the tree that you were commanded not to eat?“ Adam answers. Yahweh then turns to Eve and asks, “What is this that you’ve done?”
Fast forward into the first offspring of man and the pattern continues. Cain takes the life of his brother and we immediately see this all over again. Yahweh asks Cain, “Where is Abel your brother?” Abel answers, somewhat arrogantly I might add. Yahweh asks another question, “What have you done?”
These questions are not in any way intended to cause us to think that Yahweh didn’t know the answers. We must understand that He is relational. He is longing to walk intimately with man. If we all began to see this better, I believe that we would better understand the character of the Almighty. Yes, He is just. Yes, He is holy. Yes, He is righteous. And, He is a loving Father that deeply desires to walk intimately with His Creation.
Here we are today. So many generations away from Genesis chapters three and four. Let us humbly walk before Him. Not in hiding. Not with an affront to His questioning and correction. Let us learn
from those who have gone before us and be better. What is He asking you today?
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