Of course Father’s will for one’s life has to unfold individually, personally. All of our life experiences are somewhat unique unto us, as far as how they play out anyway. But there are overreaching principles that lay upon us all as a blanket. Father’s ways are to be learned, meditated upon and then applied as we journey along.
We have been told many things that bring Him honor. Many things that bring Him pleasure and posture us to be found walking in His ways. And not just for us individually, but what is right for all men. When we do so, we expand His overreaching plan for Creation. All will begin to move a bit closer, if even molecularly, as we individually choose to learn what our Father desires and then be found actually doing it.
So be sure you either 1) Start today or 2) Continue further on in becoming sanctified into the likeness of the Son. And how do we do that? We do what David did. We ask Father to show us His ways. We ask to be taught His paths and do not assume that we already know them. We ask to be guided in His truth. He, Yahweh Elohim, is my salvation (Yeshua). I will wait for Him all….. day….. long. Selah.
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