Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Is the Torah REALLY How to Live Today?


Here we see yet another reason why this age is in the condition that it is in. LawLESSness abounds. The Torah has reportedly “been abolished” in the eyes of those who claim to “know God.” Grace and “freedom” rule and the people self-govern. "We're not under those 'old rules' anymore." Interestingly, the religious majority and the world say the exact same thing.

The result? Men hate their neighbor. Brother kills brother. Actions are from stony hearts of volatility, revenge and insurrection. For a lengthy list of reasons, the Torah of Yahweh is not upon the hearts of many men today. Whether by sheer Garden of Eden rebellion or due to an ignorance of what the New Covenant even is. (Jeremiah 31, Ezekiel 36)

Let us join in with David and declare, the Torah of Yahweh is perfect, reviving the soul! Remember, our Messiah told us how simply the Torah and the Prophets can be understood – do unto others as you want them to do to you. It seems to me that the world could use a heavy dose of this truth right now. How about you? Selah.

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