Many times, when Yeshua encountered the non-believing teachers of His day, the guilt that they desired to place upon Him (and others) actually landed on them. Here, in one instance at least, they actually made the connection and realized this.
So, knowing this is always possible today as well – that we may in fact be the guilty party – let us choose well when harsh words against us come. Words of correction. Words of our guilt. May we not be surprised when we see that we are in fact guilty of what has been brought to our attention. Many of these men remained hard-hearted and stiff-necked. Here specifically, they even wanted to physically grab Him, in their anger.
In the Word we have many examples of men humbling themselves before Yahweh and His Son. We too have the exact same choice. Today, let us not be so fast to assume we’re always the ones on Yahweh’s good side. Perhaps it’s time we start in the mirror and cry out as David, “search me know me and see if there be any wicked way in me.” And then? Let us not be so surprised when there is. Selah.
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