OK, so what then do we do then, for those of us who are truly in Messiah? Better yet, what did Messiah Himself do? Was He simply a man of faith? What positioned Him to be perfectly righteous in the sight of His Father? Were His works “filthy rags?” You would likely answer, “Well, of course not! He was the Son of the Most High!” OK, well then…. who are we who have lost our life for His sake? Who is *our* Father? What do *we* do? What are the works of righteousness that we do now, in His Name, as an offering unto the Father just as He did? Are righteous deeds done today (as defined by the Word) of no use? Should we just idly sit down, in some inner posture of faith that does nothing but believe as we await our end, afraid to “do empty works?”
Are we perhaps misappropriating these well-known texts? We must hone in on salvation. Yes, our own works alone are futile. But what about men like Abraham? Well, many, as expected, say “he was the father of faith!” Yes, but how do we know this? His righteous deeds. Actions. Dare I say, his works. The Christian culture that most of us have inherited has created a loathsome view of righteous deeds - works. A whole-hearted pursuit of making righteous deeds unto Yahweh the goal of our lives is mocked and ridiculed. “You’re trying to earn your salvation!” “You’re in bondage! Under the ‘old Law’ of empty and faithless works!” “You think that you don’t even need Jesus anymore!” *sigh* I’ve heard it all.
But what about those who went before us long ago? In endless podcast episodes, articles and conversations I’ve labored to get people to look at the entirety of the Word, to find people of faith. Abraham. Moses. David. The people of King Hezekiah’s day. The list is endless. What of these individuals that laid everything that they knew aside to present to Yahweh works of righteousness? Sacrifices and offerings from the deepest places of gratitude and thanksgiving.
If we don't rightly understand the *entire Word*, our doctrines state that Yahweh somehow rewards a person according to his filthy rags works that are worthless. This, of course, makes no sense whatsoever.
Many could not do enough to show Yahweh how much they were indebted to Him for being their salvation. Was this all for nothing? According to modern doctrines – absolutely, yes. But how do we know that these were people of such admirable faith? They did something. Righteous deeds. Works. They responded to the incredible rescue, protection, provision and salvation of their incredible Elohim with righteous deeds! And time and time again, He received them with delight! A pleasing aroma rising up to His throne!
So, if you’ve been one that scoffs at works as nothing but old, filthy rags, I’d encourage you to take the necessary time to rightly understand what these biblical phrases mean and apply them properly. It’s time for Father’s holy, set apart People to be a people of action again. Evidence that we are, in fact, His children. Selah.
Many could not do enough to show Yahweh how much they were indebted to Him for being their salvation. Was this all for nothing? According to modern doctrines – absolutely, yes. But how do we know that these were people of such admirable faith? They did something. Righteous deeds. Works. They responded to the incredible rescue, protection, provision and salvation of their incredible Elohim with righteous deeds! And time and time again, He received them with delight! A pleasing aroma rising up to His throne!
So, if you’ve been one that scoffs at works as nothing but old, filthy rags, I’d encourage you to take the necessary time to rightly understand what these biblical phrases mean and apply them properly. It’s time for Father’s holy, set apart People to be a people of action again. Evidence that we are, in fact, His children. Selah.
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