What was, is. What is, will be.
The Son of Elohim revealed that obedience and subserviency to the Father is the way to walk. In His coming down to earth and growing into the stature of a man, He maintained humility and servanthood. All the while, He confronted the traditions of men and received abuse, slander and ultimately death for it.
We should expect no less. The non-believing Pharisees had abandoned the good teachings of the Torah – the perfect Law of the Creator – and replaced It with their own way to live and govern others. The religions of this day are no different. Absolutely nothing has changed. A new gospel that was not preached by righteous men before us is not coming, friend. It’s already here and we inherited it.
Cling to what is good today. Not what you nor I think good is. Surely not what this present day’s religious and cultural climate will tell you either. Run to the Word. The entire Word. Fear Yahweh. Serve Him. Love Him. Keep His commandments and His statutes. Do away with the gods that you received from your fathers. And if you will? Well, then you’ll start looking a whole lot more like our Messiah Yeshua.
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