Throughout the Newer Testament we see the question “is it lawful?” or the phrase “that is not lawful” many times, in regards to the Sabbath. While majority Christianity has become convinced that Sabbath has been "loosened" and removed by Messiah, I submit that this is a grave error. To suppose that the “Lord of the Sabbath” would supersede and eradicate It is quite a foolish proposal really, when one reads the Word fairly, free from dispensational doctrines of men.
In my current video series, Part 4 (upcoming) discusses the importance of asking the question, “according to what law?” If one does not understand priestly functions (referenced in Matthew 12), the intent of Yahweh to always prefer what is good and preserve life on the Sabbath, as well as the wonderful gift that Sabbath is for man, the misunderstandings will continue.
The primary error that needs highlighted is the flawed teachings that have told us that the Teachers of the Law were clinging too tightly to Old Covenant Law (Torah) and could thereby not welcome and receive the Messiah. This is bad doctrine. As the upcoming episode examining this topic reveals, Yeshua told us why they did not receive Him, and it was not at all because they clung to Torah too tightly. In fact, it was just the opposite as we read that “the Word was not in them.” (John 5:38) He continues speaking against them and even tells them that they did not even “believe in the writings of Moses.” This alone shatters most of the common teachings of why the leaders “missed Messiah.”
Specifically, in regards to Sabbath, what great misunderstandings we have inherited in our age! Most importantly, The Fourth Commandment instructs us to “remember the Sabbath. Keep it holy.” Christianity has done neither. She has forgotten. It is common. It is profane. The rebuttal is predictable – “every day is the Sabbath now… in Jesus!” No. Scripturally, this cannot be. The specific instruction to keep the Sabbath “holy” prohibits these doctrinal gymnastics. “Keep the Sabbath HOLY.” Holy, friend. Holy is distinct, different, unique and separate. Thereby, it cannot be everyday or else, by very definition, it would be profane and common.
I’d encourage all who have read this far to prayerfully posture yourself to willingly disengage from faulty doctrine and cling to what the Word alone says. By doing so, you will be given eyes to see - free from dispensational bias and religious traditions of men. It’s OK to be found possessing errant doctrine. As long as when it is revealed, it is willingly laid down and surrendered, no matter what the cost. Study. Show yourself approved. Father’s Way for His set apart People are a wonderful gift. Please be sure that you’re not missing out on His blessing that is Sabbath and when you study the Word, be ready to ask, “according to what law?” when you come across it. Selah.
This topic is being explored in our latest video series HERE.
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