Sunday, February 09, 2025

Yahweh's Feasts or..... the Super Bowl?


So, this morning I read that the Super Bowl is today. I’m sure that millions of people will tune in for the game. Even many who don’t watch football will have some sort of gathering for it. It’s just the American thing to do, right? “Who’s performing for the halftime show?!” And then, people will watch it and yet again complain about how worldly and inappropriate it all is as if they’re surprised. And then, worst of all, they’ll watch it again next year... and the next, and the next.

Passover is coming up in several weeks. A Memorial Feast that, according to the Bible ”is a night to be observed for Yahweh, for having brought them out of the land of Egypt; this night is for Yahweh, to be observed by all the sons of Israel throughout their generations.” (Exodus 12) * Please note that it is a night for Yahweh, friends.

What place will this event have in the hearts and lives of those who claim to be Believers in Messiah?

I have to wonder, why is it that incredible amounts of people who claim to follow the instructions of the Bible and say that they’ve abandoned the ways of the world will celebrate the Super Bowl, but not the deliverance of Yahweh’s covenant People from captivity, that they claim to be grafted into?

The simple answer: We’ve all been programmed. From birth, dispensational Christianity has errantly told us that the Feasts of Yahweh were “for the Jews” and you’re not a Jew… you’re a Christian, right? Despite Their appearance at Creation and the endless biblical references that People in covenant shall celebrate Them, they have been categorized as “for someone else that we’re not.”

The entertainments of the world though? These somehow are for you though. These entertainments. These celebrations. These holidays. These are OK for the Believer. These are enjoyable, right? This leads us to the second – and much more offensive – answer.

The majority find pleasure in the entertainments of this world, yet not in the Creator’s Feasts, that He told us are His possession, given to His People as a sign and as a wonderful gift. (Exodus 31;13; Leviticus 23:4) Does anyone else find this odd? We should. Who and what we are covenantally joined with will be evidenced by what we do and do not take part in.

That’s how it was for righteous men, like Abraham, and that’s how it is still today. If any one of us claim to be a part of a remnant, set apart People, then let us begin to live like it. We have been called to be “qadosh” – holy! Biblically, this is one who is distinctly different, recognizable and sacred. Not profane and common – doing the things that all others do.

Let us truly come out and be separate. For Yahweh’s great Name’s sake! Can you put aside the things of this world that bring you pleasure and return to Yahweh’s celebrations? I encourage us all to stand at the crossroads and look for the ancient path. Let us choose well and then walk in it. Selah.

* If you dare, go back and replace “Super Bowl” with “Valentine’s Day”, “Christmas”, “St. Patrick’s Day”, etc. and reread the article. The patterns are everywhere.

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