Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Let the Nations Clamor

As I’ve been studying/discussing covenant in the recent video series, I’ve been once again reminded the goings on of the nations are so miniscule, when placed beside the eternal plans of the Creator. Men clamor all about, crying out for all manner of things. Some are evil, some are saviors. The cycle always continues on. Just pick your preferred side of the same coin.

Despite the fact that churches misuse some of these verses to somehow apply to this nation, the truth remains. Yahweh is in continuing on in covenantal activity with a covenant People. All nations can plot and scheme. They can create agendas to rule the world and to be a superpower. More of what you want. Less of what you don't. They can be blatantly violent or masquerade as benevolent. It all feeds the plot.

Yet, in the end, only a set apart People, a spiritual Nation (Yahweh’s) in the spiritual lineage of Abraham will remain.

The nations will continue to set forth their plans to entice us all into playing their game, but my eyes are set upon New Jerusalem. Yahweh’s perfect governmental order alone will rule and reign. He will redeem and set all things right. Until then, let us set our gaze on things above, shine His light wherever possible and speak His mighty Name – Yahweh – until the end of the age. Selah.


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