May I be transparent? I mean, really, may I? Most Christians have no issue confronting the sinful patterns of the world. Abortion. Homosexual lifestyles, certain “types” of violence. That’s easy – that’s broad. Some have moved further, more introspectively. They’ve stopped going to “R-rated” movies, don’t do “this” or do “that”. Others have gone a bit further. The removal of observing pagan holidays – confronting Easter and Christmas and their origins. Convictions go deep and many have no problem “standing up against” certain things. I would submit however that incorrect influence still remains, in many places, within us all. Most who claim to walk the narrow way still ingest steady doses of worldly media and culture. “Conservative” news is somehow seen as synonymous with the Scriptures for most every follower of Yeshua that I’ve ever known. Even the most serious, ancient way people. Yet few seem to ever question (or tolerate questioning) “acceptable” sources of influence, such as “conservative leaning” information. We must step back and place this upon the altar. We’re all under subjection of biased opinions of men when our intake is constantly coming to us from worldly sources of men. In the natural, even low doses of seemingly harmless toxins entering our system is detrimental and against our overall health. I believe it is likewise in the spiritual.
For years I’ve had this debate with Believers. “Well we need to be informed” is what I’m usually told. Do we? What is our source of information? On whom and what do we depend to inform us? Who defines if what we’re being told is even true whatsoever? Who discerns all according to the Spirit, first?! Are we truly wanting to operate as spiritual men, yet ignorantly receiving, and therefore walking out, in mere natural understanding? At the very least, to what extent do we allow the biased opinions of men to influence our thoughts and actions? What are we, as spiritual men, consuming that is sourced in the patterns and vantagepoint of the world? Please let me repeat that as a statement. I would say, from what I see firsthand all over this nation, within Christianity, many men are truly wanting to operate as spiritual men. Yet, from my perspective many are ignorantly receiving, and therefore walking out, according to a mere natural understanding because their source is off. We do understand that conservative news is not synonymous with the Scriptures, right? I would say unequivocally that those who have a steady diet of worldly, politically-fueled and mere national opinion are being influenced greatly to oppose the Kingdom. As I always say, we are here to implement the Government of God and it will not, it CANNOT be crammed into mere kingdoms and governments of men. It is not a biblical pattern.
There is a call to the Remnant to “come out from among them." I mean come out for real now! Lot and his family were spared by the sovereign hand of the Lord from the destruction of Sodom. The Messengers literally grabbed them by the arm and removed them – delivered, right? This is how I see regeneration. Yahweh’s compassion and kindness has led us out of our own defiance and tarrying, by the extended “hand of Messiah." He has placed us outside of the gates of judgment and destruction that are not meant for us. However, the instruction was to “keep going” out and away from the city. Flee. Escape. Rejoice of your deliverance and keep moving out! Of course, we know that Lot requested to remain “where he started” at his deliverance. We must face, in maturity and soberness, that he was permitted to stay. Friends, Yahweh will permit you to stay where He brought you out. But it will cost you greatly. It will be a curse unto your future generations.
So, were Lot and his family REALLY delivered? Yes… and no. The entire purpose of our deliverance is to BE ENABLED AND EMPOWERED TO KEEP WALKING! If you remain moving out, further and further away from the world from which you have been delivered. If you set up camp at merely the perimeter of your deliverance, it is not sufficient and you will be forever inhibited, lacking. I believe this is a simple, biblical pattern. Yeshua came not merely to deliver you but rather to deliver you UNTO something. He is the Pattern. He is the Model. He arrived set apart, lived set apart and died set apart unto the perfect will of the Father. We must do likewise if we will ever attain the fullness of the purchase made for us.
Friends you have not arrived at coming out. Although I and my household have gone to TREMENDOUS lengths to come out, we have not arrived at complete removal from the influence of this world and her patterns. They run deep and are always in pursuit of every regenerated man. It will take us the rest of our days. It is our ongoing sanctification. So, keep going. Keep walking out. Do NOT believe for even an instance that you have attained freedom in its entirety. You are deceived. You are influenced. And so am I. In SOME way. In SOME area. Stop looking back and reading headlines. Stop ingesting culture’s vantage point (even so called “conservative” culture) and cling tighter and tighter to the ancient, forgotten Way. I am convinced that this is the prophesied age of “even the elect being led astray." Friend, don’t let that be you. Put down the magazine. Turn off the cable. Throw out your television if it’s a constant feed of worldly news from the kingdoms of men. Close the FoxNews pages. You are being influenced if these are your sources. Walk into your study and quiet yourself. What is the Spirit saying in this hour? What is the prophetic utterance of Yahweh to our generation? “Well, MOST of my source is the Scriptures. MOST of my intake is godly counsel. MOST of my source is in Yahweh and what the Spirit is saying.” The goal is our all. The goal is our entirety. Stay up all night. Fast. Pray. Cry out like the men of old in ABSOLUTE dependence that we MUST hear the oracles of God!
This people, this Remnant will be miniscule, I know. That is simple, biblical fact. Most will not go into the Most Holy Place because the priestly role is one completely consecrated and set apart unto the ministering of the Lord. Will you lay aside everything? Will you set aside natural, political leanings and preferences? Will you throw off political parties' divisive ways and influence in order to be an “alien offspring” of Messiah? It was never meant to be mere metaphor. I am literally supernaturally moved into the bloodline of Yeshua. I must now walk out the rest of my days in submission to the will of the Father that will not be found in worldly, natural sources.
Can I lay aside my deepest, strongest convictions and present them on the altar to the Lord? We can. I will. Right now, as of this very hour, I’m having to do that with some of the deepest convictions that I’ve ever possessed. But, in the power and ability of the Messiah, His strength in and through me, I can. I will. All that I am, all that I possess, all that I know, believe and cling to tightly is His. It is ALL in Him. He defines what is Truth, not us. I will continue to keep walking. I will walk alongside any others who are walking out likewise. Nothing less than the unadulterated Truth found within living as Messiah Yeshua, and not unto myself will move us there. I am being taught and trained by the Spirit, in this very hour, to walk in new levels of humility and humiliation. The cost is great. My reputation will be obliterated. My name may be mocked and branded foolish by most. That’s OK. I believe that “harmonious union with others” within the Body of Messiah is possible. Because of us? No. We merely RESPOND as Yeshua, in voluntary humility and abasement. It is a product, a result, of “the God of perseverance and encouragement that enables and furnishes US to be of the same mind.” I am full of faith. Because of mere men? No. Because I’m so holy and consecrated? No. My hope, my trust is not in you nor myself. It is in Yahweh alone. He is able. Amen.
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