Friday, April 10, 2020

The Biblical Calendar In Passover To Resurrection

Oh man, this one is deep (you may have to read it several times). At the outset, I am in NO way insinuating we overlook the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Yeshua. in fact, what I am saying is actually the opposite. It needs examined, scrutinized, rightly viewed in Scripture and thereby exalted. God’s unfolding of His timeline SO FAR SURPASSES what we’ve been told within present-day doctrines.  I will say at the outset that this will only make sense if you give yourself to understand, on some level, the biblical calendar and the biblical observance of Sabbath(s), including the night/day cycle. We, in our house, are learning as we speak! (We spent hours studying this out more, just this morning alone.)

The day before Passover (Tuesday), Yeshua has His “last supper” meal with His disciples.  The next day (Wednesday) is Preparation Day (the daylight hours that lead up to the Passover meal as well as the day that Yeshua hung on the cross.) Preparation day for what? Passover observance. The traditional Passover event occurs on Wednesday evening at Twilight (Hebrew “nesheph”). Again, like every year on this specific night since Israel left Egypt. The meal/observance comes and goes and the special Sabbath begins (Thursday, annual High Holy Day).  This special Sabbath (again, Thursday), is marked by a holy convocation, as well as the beginning of Feast Of Unleavened Bread (this MUST be made known to modern Christianity for the proper account to make biblical sense).

Again, each year, the day that followed Passover was always a High Sabbath, for the People of God. The next day (Friday, in between Sabbaths), the women go out to get and prepare the spices/perfumes for burial. (Again, this must be done before the normal weekly Saturday Sabbath arrives.) They would have rested entirely on this Sabbath day (Saturday), as they did every single week of every month.  They knew and honored the command to rest, literally, every single week, even after Yeshua’s death and burial because, again, He never once said He did away with Sabbath and Feasts.
Please note, this is merely scratching the surface of only three verses, according to the importance of understanding the biblical calendar. So, this surely reveals some major flaws within what most of us have been taught our entire Christian lives. Worst of all, we’ve missed out entirely on the beauty and depth of the marked times of God, for His people to forever remember. As we see with these women, and discussed a few days ago, the disciples here in Mark 14:16, those so many years ago had a right understanding of preparation , based upon God’s calendar, times and Feasts. It would do us well, in this age of Christianity so far removed from the biblical calendar, to study and realize that we are simply not on the same page as the accounts we read in Scripture.

Lastly, as I’m always saying as of late, there are so many more learned men than I, in regards to these mysteries. Yet, we are learning and feel obligated to share what we’re finding with our friends and family, along the way. Even if my understanding is off at all (which is ENTIRELY possible), please don’t just write this off because it opposes your present understanding. What Yeshua primarily came against was all that was rooted in the exaltation of man’s religious ways of pride, self and personal understanding that we were told to not lean upon. So, with that in mind, let us be cautious when we want to shut down and be closed towards anything that opposes our personal doctrines.  I implore you to listen to what the Spirit is saying in this hour as so many followers of Jesus worldwide are being beckoned to return to the ancient, grafted-in People, returning to the LORD’s calendar and Feasts! Again, are we the Royal Priesthood? Are we the Possession of God? Are we a chosen, holy Nation? Or are we merely Christian Americans handed down new traditions and doctrines of men who divorced the Church from the commands and ordinances of Yahweh God? We must know. What a better time than right now to ask and find out! The Spring Feasts are upon us!

More study:

Mark 16:1
John 19:39-42
Matthew 27:62

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