Monday, June 03, 2024

The Holy Spirit's Purpose


In Acts chapter 2 we see covenant prophecies beginning to unfold. We see specifics take place in order to solidify that we make the connection. At Sinai Yahweh gave the Torah written by His finger on tablets of stone. At Shavuot/Pentecost (Acts 2), He poured out His Spirit to empower men to obey.

We, of course, also see this in Ezekiel and reiterated in Hebrews. Where was the fire? Upon their heads. Upon who’s heads? Individuals. What individuals? Individuals that had gathered together in one accord. What had they gathered together in one accord to do? To celebrate Yahweh’s Feast! Shavuot! Feast of Weeks! Pentecost!
Yahweh's timing is precise and purposeful. He has given us His Torah to show us how to walk. He has sent us His Son to give us an example of what complete obedience looks like. Then, He sent His prophesied Spirit to empower us to obey!
We are surely without excuse. Father is so good. In the latest video that posts this evening, we will discuss that it's time to biblically define what it means to "walk according to the Spirit", as we examine the wonderful Feast of Shavuot.
Praise Yahweh for His mighty acts towards men!

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