Saturday, August 24, 2024

Is Anyone Thirsty?

As I’m always saying, what was, is still today. This ancient question, “is anyone thirsty?” continues to go out.

Many today are turning to political figures, celebrities and “leaders” for guidance, direction and sustenance, but there is only one true Source. The same Source that has always been. Many come in His Name today yet speak promises that are merely rooted in falsehood and temporal pleasures of the kingdoms of men.

So, let this question continue to be put forth! Is anyone thirsty? There is an eternal wellspring of life for you, friend. The key is equally as old – you must deny yourself and abandon your own thoughts and ways.

Return to Yahweh today, friend. Cry out for Him alone to be your Source. He is sufficient. He is offering living waters that will never run dry. Just like He always has done. Selah.


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