Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Bring Your Sacrifice (Word)

Lay down your sacrifice. Your sacrifice. So you bring your sacrifice to Me? Don't just bring it to Me, lay it down. Lay it down. Can one carry around a lamb to be slaughtered and be effective? Can one run while holding his sacrifice? Can one lift one's hands to worship when holding his sacrifice? Can one grasp My hand while grasping his sacrifice? Of course not, you must lay it down. Lay it down as My Son laid down His life for you. When you lay it down, you can raise your hands in worship. You can run in wide open fields. Lay down the weight. Lay down your burdens. He's already taken it all away, lay it down. Don't come to Me and simply stand there holding it, lay it down. Lay it down. Enter the temple, My temple, and lay it down – come to Me. Come to Me with arms raised. Run in the vast field of My Presence. Feel the wind blow, feel the warmth on your face, for I am here. I'm calling you in. Come in. Lay down your burdens and come in. This is what it means when I said that My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Lay it all down. Lay it all down and be sustained by My hand. My hand of deliverance. My hand of provision. My hand of blessing. My hand of protection. My hand of love. My hand of power. Lay it all down and grab hold of all that I am. I am.

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