Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Fulfillment Fest Summary #2

The second "mandate" that I was given during my time at Fulfillment Fest was regarding Israel. The entire event was centered around the Biblical feasts and our responsibility to intercede for Israel. In a vision during one of the speaking sessions, I saw thick thunderclouds over the hills behind the tent that the event was held in. The Lord immediately took me to 1 Samuel 8 where the Israelites said, "Do not stop crying out to the Lord our God for us, that He may rescue us…". Samuel then proceeded to cry out to the Lord on Israel's behalf and the Lord answered him. I truly felt that this was a call to me personally. That Israel, God's chosen people, are still in need of our prayers and are still seeking to be rescued from the Lord. Just as Samuel did, I need to be crying out for God to call them back to Him so that they might walk into the fullness of knowing Him.

Thanks to the wisdom imparted to us via Mike Brown and Reuven Doran early on, I was able to get a better grasp of the why's and how's of it all. I can no longer ignore my responsibility to pray for the people of Israel. They are not the people who "were" God's chosen, they "are" God's chosen. The modern church hasn't replaced them, we've simply been grafted into them because of God's grace and mercy. It's my duty to call them back into the knowledge of God and to war on their behalf. I'm not to half–heartedly pray for peace and harmony there, but to boldly proclaim Jesus Christ to be seen as the Messiah and for a nation to turn back to the God of their fathers.

Mandate #2: His Children: Israel

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