Friday, October 27, 2006

Fulfillment Fest Summary #3

My third and final "mandate" from Fulfillment Fest was about the current young generation that is rising up all around us. They're running hard after the Lord like none I've ever seen. I had the opportunity to see this first hand in various groups while being a part of this event. Most of the team was in this age category and exhibited true passion and freedom in Christ like I'd never seen before. Other notables like the Uptown Atlanta group that led worship and intercession several times, walked and talked with such an intensity in the Lord that I couldn't seem to drag myself away from them – even if it was 1:00AM. I believe that it's this "Jesus is all that matters" mentality that will truly ignite this generation.

Several of my older newly acquainted camping friends had noticed the same thing, but took a bit different take on it. They had shared that maybe God was "replacing them" with this new generation. That their time was up and they needed to "pass the mantle". I felt that this, while perhaps having a bit of truth, wasn't God's intention at all. Those with years and years of walking with the Lord and hearing His voice have much to offer to this generation that is stepping in. The youth have that fire and vigor, but often lack depth and wisdom – depth and wisdom that the older generation possess. Joel 2:28 is often used regarding this youth "movement", but the part that states, "old men will dream dreams" almost always seems to be overlooked. So I say to you, "older" generation, stand up and be counted. Impart your wisdom into those that are coming up and standing for Christ in these last days. There is no retirement in God's army. The Lord took me to Titus 2:6 that says, "Similarly, encourage the young men to be self–controlled. In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned…". It is the responsibility of the experienced church to lead the youth into a greater knowledge of God.

And to the younger generation, seek wisdom. Fire and passion without substance is not lasting. Continue to run to the Lord for council and seek out those that have gone before you, they may have much more to offer than you may realize. Although many of us have been turned off by "the church", many great followers of Christ are out there longing to share what they know – we cannot leave them out of this next great move of God! Young or old, it is our responsibility to be on our knees crying out for this generation. God is longing to pour out His spirit upon the earth and I believe that this generation is willing to be that vessel for Him to do so. Be encouraged, God is moving!

Mandate #3: His Children: This Youth Generation

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